Completing a Workflow Task

Follow these steps to complete a workflow task and send a notification for the next workflow task.

You must start a workflow case in the Manage Workflow Cases screen to begin the workflow process. When the workflow case is initiated, Costpoint sends a notification email to the role responsible for the first workflow activity. Users associated with roles in defined workflows must have an email specified in the Manage Users screen to receive email notifications.

To complete a workflow task.

  1. Click the URL in your workflow notification email.
    You are redirected to the Costpoint Login page.
  2. Log in to Costpoint. Costpoint will direct you to the application screen for the workflow activity.
  3. Complete the task on the application screen.
  4. On the Application Toolbar, click Save & Continue.
  5. On the Application Toolbar, click the Workflow icon and then click Complete Activity.
  6. Optionally, add completion notes and then click Complete.
    Costpoint initiates the next workflow activity and notifies the responsible role.

    You can manage your workflow activities in the Monitor Activities and Messages screen.