Print Retroactive Billing Worksheet

Use this screen to print worksheets for retroactive bills that have been generated by the Calculate Retroactive Bills process.

Retroactive bill worksheets assist you in the review and modification of your retroactive bills by detailing how the bills were calculated. Costpoint produces retroactive bills by applying revised billing rates to invoices previously submitted to the customer. The bills are calculated using revised provisional indirect rates on direct cost amounts for cost-reimbursable projects or using revised loaded labor rates on direct labor hours for loaded labor rate projects. After retroactive bills are calculated, you can modify them on the Manage Standard Bills screen and print them on the Print Standard Bills screen.

For more information, see the "Retroactive Bills" topic.

Print this report immediately after the Calculate Retroactive Bills process. You do not have to print the report, but we recommend that you do so as part of your internal quality control procedures for retroactive billings.

Note: Each time you execute the Calculate Retroactive Bills screen, Costpoint deletes any existing rows from the table storing the retroactive bill worksheets. After calculating your retroactive bills, print the worksheets that you have calculated before you execute the Calculate Retroactive Bills process again. This procedure applies even if you are calculating a retroactive bill for a project that is different from an existing worksheet.