Contents of the Print Bank Reconciliation Detail Reports Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Bank Reconciliation Detail Reports screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

In this block, you can enter or select the desired bank abbreviation for which to print the bank statement reconciliation detail reports.

Field Description
Bank Abbr

Enter a bank abbreviation or click to select a bank abbreviation from a list. The bank abbreviation represents the bank account that you are reconciling with your books. The bank abbreviation description that was set up on the Manage Company Bank Accounts screen displays in the field to the right.

Cash Accounts

In this row, specify the cash accounts to include on the bank reconciliation detail reports. Most users will use only one cash account/organization per bank account. The ability to select data by cash account/organization is intended for use when the General Ledger cash account/organization changes in your Chart of Accounts.

Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range type for selecting a cash account to include on bank reconciliation detail reports.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to display all cash accounts. The Start Cash Accounts and End Cash Accounts fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to display one cash account. Enter the cash account in the Start Cash Accounts field. The End Cash Accounts field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to display cash accounts for a contiguous range. Then, enter the starting and ending cash account in the Start Cash Accounts and End Cash Accounts fields.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to choose a range of cash accounts that starts from the beginning of all available cash accounts and ends with the cash account that you enter in the End Cash Accounts field. The Start Cash Accounts field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to choose a range of cash accounts that starts with the cash account that you enter in the Start Cash Accounts field and ends with the last cash account of all the available cash accounts. The End Cash Accounts field is disabled for this option.

Enter the starting cash account to include on reports. You can click to select a cash account from a list. This field is available only when you select One, Range, or To End in the Option (Cash Accounts) field.


Enter the ending cash account to include on reports. You can click to select a cash account from a list. This field is available only when you select Range or From Beginning in the Option (Cash Accounts) field.

Transaction Date

In this row, specify the transaction date or dates for which to print the bank reconciliation detail reports.

Transaction date sources are as follows:

  • CR transaction type: The transaction date is the cash receipt date.
  • AP and/or PR transaction type: The transaction date is the check date.
  • MAN transaction type: The transaction date is the date entered in the Trans Date field on the Accept Bank Transactions screen.
Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range type for selecting the transaction dates for the transactions to include on bank reconciliation detail reports.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all transaction dates. The Start Transaction Date and End Transaction Date fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to include one transaction date. Enter the transaction date in the Start Transaction Date field. The End Transaction Date field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of transaction dates. Enter the starting and ending transaction date in the Start Transaction Date and End Transaction Date fields.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to choose a range of transaction dates that starts from the beginning of all available transaction dates and ends with the transaction date that you enter in the End Transaction Date field. The Start Transaction Date field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to choose a range of transaction dates that starts with the transaction date that you enter in the Start Transaction Date field and ends with the last transaction date of all the available transaction dates. The End Transaction Date field is disabled for this option.

Enter the starting transaction date to include on reports. You can click to select a transaction date from a list. This field is available only when you select One, Range, or To End in the Option (Transaction Date) field.


Enter the ending transaction date to include on reports. You can click to select a transaction date from a list. This field is available only when you select Range or From Beginning in the Option (Transaction Date) field.

Transaction No.

In this row, specify the transaction number or numbers for which to print the bank reconciliation detail reports.

Transaction number sources are as follows:

  • CR transaction type: The transaction number is the cash receipt number.
  • AP and/or PR transaction type: The transaction number is the check number.
  • MAN transaction type: The transaction number is the number entered in the Trans Number field on the Accept Bank Transactions screen.
Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range type for selecting the transaction numbers of the transactions to include on bank reconciliation detail reports.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all transaction numbers. The Start Transaction Number and End Transaction Number fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to include one transaction number. Enter the transaction number in the Start Transaction Number field. The End Transaction Number field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of transaction numbers. Enter the starting and ending transaction number in the Start Transaction Number and End Transaction Number fields.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to choose a range of transaction numbers that starts from the beginning of all available transaction numbers and ends with the transaction number that you enter in the End Transaction Number field. The Start Transaction Number field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to choose a range of transaction numbers that starts with the transaction number that you enter in the Start Transaction Number field and ends with the last transaction number of all the available transaction number. The End Transaction Number field is disabled for this option.

Enter the starting transaction number to include on reports. You can click to select a transaction number from a list. This field is available only when you select One, Range, or To End in the Option (Transaction No.) field.


Enter the ending transaction number to include on reports. You can click to select a transaction number from a list. This field is available only when you select Range or From Beginning in the Option (Transaction No.) field.

Cash Organizations

In this row, specify the cash organizations for which to print the bank reconciliation detail reports.

Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range type for selecting the cash organization to include on bank reconciliation detail reports.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all cash organizations. The Start Cash Organizations and End Cash Organizations fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to include one cash organization. Enter the cash organization in the Start Cash Organizations field. The End Cash Organizations field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of cash organizations. Enter the starting and ending cash organization in the Start Cash Organizations and End Cash Organizations fields.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to choose a range of cash organizations that starts from the beginning of all available cash organizations and ends with the cash organization that you enter in the End Cash Organizations field. The Start Cash Organizations field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to choose a range of cash organizations that starts with the cash organization that you enter in the Start Cash Organizations field and ends with the last cash organization of all the available cash organizations. The End Cash Organization field is disabled for this option.

Enter the starting cash organization to include on reports. You can click to select a cash organization from a list. This field is available only when you select One, Range, or To End in the Option (Cash Organization) field.


Enter the ending cash organization to include on reports. You can click to select a cash organization from a list. This field is available only when you select Range or From Beginning in the Option (Cash Organization) field.

Accounting Period

In this row, specify the fiscal year and accounting period to include on bank reconciliation detail reports.

Field Description

This field displays One to indicate that you can enter only one fiscal year and period.

Fiscal Year

Enter a fiscal year for which you want to print detail bank reconciliation data, or click to select a fiscal year from a list.


Enter an accounting period for which to print detail bank reconciliation data, or click to select a period from a list.


Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range type for selecting the subperiod to include on bank reconciliation detail reports.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all subperiods. The Start Subperiod and End Subperiod fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to include one subperiod. Enter the subperiod in the Start Subperiod field. The End Subperiods field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of subperiods. Enter the starting and ending subperiod in the Start Subperiod and End Subperiod fields.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to choose a range of subperiods that starts from the beginning of all available subperiods and ends with the subperiod that you enter in the End Subperiod field. The Start Subperiod field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to choose a range of subperiods that starts with the subperiod that you enter in the Start Subperiod field and ends with the last subperiod of all the available subperiods. The End Subperiod field is disabled for this option.

Enter the starting subperiod to include on reports. You can click to select a subperiod from a list. This field is available only when you select One, Range, or To End in the Option (Subperiod) field.


Enter the ending subperiod to include on reports. You can click to select a subperiod from a list. This field is available only when you select Range or From Beginning in the Option (Subperiod) field.


Field Description

This field displays One to indicate that one currency displays in the Start Currency field.


This field displays your company's bank account currency.


Select Reports

In this group box, select the individual detail reports that you want to print. Select the check boxes of the detail reports you want to print.

When you select All in the Option (Subperiod) field in the Selection Ranges block on this screen, you can choose from all the detail reports listed on this screen.

When you select One, Range, From Beginning, or To End in the Option (Subperiod) field in the Selection Ranges block on this screen, you can select only the Cash Receipts Per Books, Cash Disbursements Per Books, Manual Adjustments, and Bank Statement Outstanding Items detail reports. For the other six option selections (Deposits in Transit, Outstanding Checks, Outstanding Adjustments, Unmatched Cash Receipts , Unmatched Cash Disbursements , and Unmatched Adjustments ), the check boxes for the bank statement-related detail reports are disabled.

Field Description
Cash Receipts Per Books

Select this check box to print the cash receipts detail transactions from the General Ledger per your selection criteria. The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The detail rows in this report include both cleared (CLR) and outstanding (OUT) Cash Receipt (C/R) transactions. To make the report easier to read, however, the Clr Cd column on the report displays CLR for cleared transactions, and the column is blank for outstanding transactions. In addition, values in the Bank Amount and Variance columns print on the report only if there is a difference between the General Ledger Amount and the Bank Amount for outstanding transactions only.

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special Hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Cash Receipts Per Books detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (CR)
  • Clr Cd (CLR and/or OUT)
  • Bank/GL Match (blanks for Y outstanding transactions and/or N)
  • Subpd
  • Recpt Date
  • Recpt No
  • Recpt ID
  • Trans Description
  • G/L Amount
  • Bank Amount (displays only if different from G/L Amount)
  • Variance
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Cash Receipts on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Cash Disbursements Per Books

Select this check box to print the cash disbursements detail transactions from the General Ledger per your selection criteria.

When you select this check box, the AP check box is automatically selected, and only AP-type transactions print on the report. Clear the AP check box if you do not want to print the report for AP detail transactions.

You can select the PR check box in place of or in addition to the AP check box to print detail transactions from payroll, where the transaction type is PR. You must select at least one of these two check boxes (AP or PR) for any information to print.

The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The detail rows in this report include both cleared (CLR)and outstanding (OUT) AP and/or PR transactions. To make the report easier to read, however, the Clr Cd column on the report displays CLR for cleared transactions, and the column is blank for outstanding transactions.

The values in the Bank Amount and Variance columns print on the report only if there is a difference between the G/L amount and the Bank amount for outstanding transactions.

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Cash Disbursements Per Books detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (AP and/or PR)
  • Clr Cd (CLR and/or OUT)
  • Bank/GL Match (blanks for Y outstanding transactions and/or N)
  • Subpd
  • Check Date
  • Check No
  • Vend/Empl ID
  • Trans Desc
  • G/L Amount
  • Bank Amount (displays only if different from G/L Amount)
  • Variance
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Cash Disbursements on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Manual Adjustments

Select this check box to print the manual adjustments data (entered on the Accept Bank Transactions screen) per your selection criteria. The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The detail rows in this report include both cleared (CLR) and outstanding (OUT) manual adjustment transactions (MAN). To make the report easier to read, the Clr Cd column displays CLR for cleared transactions, and the column is blank for outstanding transactions.

The values in the Bank Amount and Variance columns print on the report only if there is a difference between the General Ledger amount and the Bank amount for outstanding transactions.

Always keep manual adjustment entries to a minimum. Under normal circumstances, bank interest is recorded as a cash receipt in Accounts Receivable, and bank charges are recorded in Accounts Payable. Manual entries are designed to facilitate bank reconciliations only in the rare circumstance in which the normal data entry source has not been used.

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Manual Adjustments detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (CR)
  • Clr Cd (CLR and/or OUT)
  • Bank/GL Match (blanks for Y outstanding transactions and/or N)
  • Subpd
  • Trans Date
  • Trans No
  • Trans ID
  • Trans Desc
  • G/L Amount
  • Bank Amount (displays only if different from G/L Amount)
  • Variance
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Manual Adjustments on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Deposits in Transit

Select this check box to print the deposits in transit detail transactions per your selection criteria. This check box is only available if you select All in the Subperiod field in the Selection Ranges group box of this screen. The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The detail rows in this report include all outstanding General Ledger cash receipts transactions (transaction types CR and OUT) for all prior periods up to and including the selected General Ledger fiscal year and period. Because this report prints only outstanding transactions, the Bank Amount and Variance columns are blank.

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Deposits in Transit detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (CR)
  • Clr Cd (OUT)
  • Subpd
  • Recpt Date
  • Recpt No
  • Recpt ID
  • Trans Desc
  • Receipt Amount
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Deposits in Transit on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Outstanding Checks

Select this check box to print the outstanding cash disbursements detail transactions from the General Ledger per your selection criteria. This check box is only available if you select All in the Subperiod field in the Selection Ranges group box of this screen.

When you select this check box, the AP check box is also automatically selected, and only AP-type transactions print on the report. You can clear the AP check box if you do not want to print the report for AP detail transactions.

You can select the PR check box in place of or in addition to the AP check box to print detail transactions from payroll, where Trans Type is PR. You must select at least one of these two AP or PR check boxes for any information to print on the report.

The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The detail rows in this report include only outstanding (OUT) AP and/or PR transactions for all prior periods up to and including the selected General Ledger fiscal year and period. Because this report prints only outstanding transactions, the Bank Amount and Variance columns are blank.

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Outstanding Checks detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (AP and/or PR)
  • Clr Cd (OUT)
  • Subpd
  • Check Date
  • Check No
  • Vend/Empl ID
  • Trans Desc
  • Check Amount
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Outstanding Checks on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Outstanding Adjustments

Select this check box to print the outstanding manual adjustments data per your selection criteria. The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

This check box is only available if you select All in the Subperiod field in the Selection Ranges group box of this screen.

The detail rows in this report include outstanding (OUT) manual adjustment transactions (MAN) entered on the Accept Bank Transactions screen for this bank abbreviation. The report prints outstanding transactions for all prior periods up to and including the selected fiscal year and period. Because this report prints only outstanding transactions, the Bank Amount and Variance columns are blank.

You should always keep manual adjustment entries to a minimum. Under normal circumstances, bank interest should be recorded as a Cash Receipt and bank charges should be recorded in Accounts Payable. Manual entries are designed to facilitate bank reconciliations only in the rare circumstance in which the normal data entry source has not been used.

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Outstanding Adjustments detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (CR)
  • Clr Cd (OUT)
  • Subpd
  • Trans Date
  • Trans No
  • Trans ID
  • Trans Desc
  • Adjusted Amount
  • Bank Amount (displays only if different from G/L Amount)
  • Variance
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Outstanding Manual Adjustments on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Bank Statement Outstanding Items

Select this check box to print the bank statement outstanding items per your selection criteria. The report prints all bank statement outstanding items for all prior periods up to and including the selected fiscal year and period.

The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The Bank Statement Outstanding Items report displays the following data:

  • Trans Date
  • Trans No
  • Trans Description
  • Deposit Amt
  • Check/Withdrawal Amt
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total
Unmatched Cash Receipts

Select this check box to print the unmatched G/L cash receipts transactions (all cleared transactions that do not match items from the bank statement). The report prints all unmatched cash receipts transactions that have not yet been resolved for all prior periods up to and including the selected fiscal year and period.

This check box is only available if you select All in the Subperiod field in the Selection Ranges group box of this screen.

The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The detail rows in this report include only cleared cash receipts transactions that are unmatched (Trans Type is CR, Code is CLR, and Unmatched is Y).

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Unmatched Cash Receipts detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (CR)
  • Clr Cd (CLR)
  • Subpd
  • Recpt Date
  • Recpt No
  • Recpt ID
  • Trans Name
  • G/L Amount
  • Bank Amount
  • Variance
  • Bank/GL Match (N)
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Unmatched Cash Receipts on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Unmatched Cash Disbursements

Select this check box to print the unmatched G/L cash disbursements transactions (all cleared transactions that do not match items from the bank statement). The report prints all unmatched A/P and/or P/R transactions that have not yet been resolved for all prior periods up to and including the selected fiscal year and period.

This check box is only available if you select All in the Subperiod field in the Selection Ranges group box of this screen.

When you select this check box, the AP check box is also automatically selected, and only AP-type transactions are printed on the report. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the report for A/P detail transactions.

Select the PR check box in place of or in addition to the AP check box to print detail transactions from payroll, where Trans Type is PR. At least one of these two check boxes must be selected for any information to print on the report.

The selected bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

The detail rows in this report include only cleared A/P and/or P/R transactions that are unmatched (Trans Type is AP and/or PR, Code is CLR, and Unmatched is Y).

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Unmatched Cash Disbursements detail transactions report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type (AP and/or PR)
  • Clr Cd (CLR)
  • Subpd
  • Check Date
  • Check No
  • Vend/Empl ID
  • Trans Desc
  • G/L Amount
  • Bank Amount
  • Variance
  • Bank/GL Match (N)
  • Subtotals (by cash account/organization)
  • Grand Total: If you selected all records for this report, the Grand Total field displays the same total as the summary line for Unmatched Cash Disbursements on the View Bank Reconciliation Summary screen and the Bank Reconciliation Summary Report.
Unmatched Adjustments

Select this check box to print the unmatched manual adjustments transactions. The report prints all the adjustments detail in which the G/L and bank statement amounts differ.

This check box is only available if you select All in the Subperiod field in the Selection Ranges group box of this screen.

The bank abbreviation, fiscal year, and period that you selected display in the report header, along with the bank account number and the cash account/organization.

Data for this report is retrieved from existing data in the Bank Transactions History table. If no transactions print on this report, see the special hint at the end of this section for possible reasons.

The Unmatched Manual Adjustments report displays the following data:

  • Trans Type
  • Clr Cd
  • Subpd
  • Trans Date
  • Trans No
  • Trans ID
  • Trans Desc
  • G/L Amount
  • Bank Amount
  • Variance
  • Bank/GL Match
Special Hint

If there are no detail transactions on one or more of the reports—Cash Receipts Per Books, Cash Disbursements Per Books, Manual Adjustments, Deposits in Transit, Outstanding Checks, Outstanding Adjustments, Unmatched Cash Receipts, and/or Unmatched Cash Disbursements—it may be the result of one of the following conditions:

  • You have not run the Create Bank Transactions History process and/or entered any manual adjustments on the Accept Bank Transactions screen. As a result, there are no detail transactions in the Bank Transactions History table.
  • There are no transactions in the Bank Transactions History table that qualify against your selection criteria.

Additionally, the following situation may cause the Unmatched Cash Receipts and/or Unmatched Cash Disbursements reports to have no detail:

  • You have not cleared any transactions using the Accept Bank Transactions and/or Process Bank Transactions Acceptances screens. You have also not entered any bank/G/L discrepancies on the Accept Bank Transactions screen. As a result, there are no unmatched transactions in the Bank Transactions History table.
Note: You can save your selection criteria for this report with or without printing. After making your selections, click . Enter an alphanumeric identifying code and a short description to help you recognize the report parameters and click OK. Later, you can click to access the print parameters you previously created and saved. In this manner, you can print a report using your pre-defined parameters without having to re-enter the selection options. Stored report parameters are especially helpful if reports are to be run through Process Manager.