Contents of the Manage Physical Counts Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Physical Counts screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the warehouse ID where the count will take place.

Count ID

If you select the Physical Count transaction in the Transaction IDs subtask of the Manage Warehouses screen and select the Auto-Assign check box, leave this field blank and Costpoint will automatically assign the next count ID. If you select Auto-Assign and you manually assign a count ID in this field, Costpoint will not update the Last Inv Trans ID field in the Transaction IDs subtask. If you clear the Auto-Assign check box, you can manually enter a count ID.

Count Type This field displays the type of count created. The values include C = Cycle Count, S = Standard Physical Count, L = Cycle Count Schedule, and Null for pre-existing count records.
Schedule This field displays the cycle count schedule corresponding to the cycle count when Count Type is Cycle Count Schedule.

Count Detail

Field Description
Count Date

This field displays the system date as the default count date, but you can enter, or click to select, a new date.

Control Prefix

Enter the prefix to be attached to all control IDs for this physical count.


This field displays Y to indicate the status is active, until the physical count has been completed.

Count Sheet Printed

This field displays Y if the count sheet/tags have been printed. Otherwise, it displays N.

Physical Count Details

Field Description
Control No

The control number is automatically generated from the Starting Control Number field on the Create Physical Counts screen, but you can modify it when adding a new line.


Enter, or click to select, the part ID of the item to be counted.


This field automatically displays the last revision assigned to the part ID; however, you can enter, or click to select, another revision that exists for this part ID.


The description of the part selected will automatically display and cannot be modified.


Enter, or click to select, the location ID to be counted.

Inventory Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, the inventory abbreviation to be counted.


The inventory unit of measure of the part selected will automatically display and cannot be modified.

Pre-Count Qty

This field displays the pre-count quantity for this part.


This field displays N (No) if an actual count has not been entered for this count line. Y (Yes) displays if an actual count has been entered for this count line.

Actual Count Qty

This field displays the actual count quantity for this count line.

Variance Qty

This field displays the variance quantity for this count line. The variance quantity is the Pre-Count Qty less the Actual Count Qty.


This field displays the count tolerance percentage for this part.


Y (Yes) displays if this count line has been reconciled. Otherwise, N (No) displays.


The ABC code of the part selected will automatically display and cannot be modified.

Last Count Date

This field displays the last count date for this part.


This field displays Y (Yes) until the physical count has been completed and adjustments created. N (No) will be displayed if the physical count has not been completed.


Subtask Description
Serial/Lot Info Click this link to open the Serial/Lot Info subtask to view serial/lot information for the selected transaction line.