Table Information for the Create EFT File Screen

This screen uses the following tables:

  • Default Cash Accounts (DFLT_CASH_ACCTS): Costpoint uses this table to identify which cash account/organization combinations are mapped to the bank account abbreviation and account entered in this screen. Because all vouchers are assigned to a specific cash account/ organization, Costpoint can use this information to identify which vouchers in the Open A/P table can potentially be paid by EFT.
  • Open A/P (OPEN_AP): This table contains outstanding vouchers. Costpoint uses the voucher approval and pay status contained in this table to eliminate certain vouchers from inclusion in the EFT file. The payment amounts contained in this table are summed for all vouchers belonging to a vendor to arrive at the Amount of Transfer.
  • Vendor (VEND): This table contains the vendor's EFT bank and bank account information, address code, ACH code, active flag, ID, and name. (All except the active flag are inserted in the vendor's Entry Detail Record in the ACH file.) Costpoint uses the Active flag and the presence or absence of bank information in combination with the address code to include or exclude the vendor from the EFT file. The ACH code contained in this table determines whether the vendor is a live EFT vendor or a prenote vendor.
  • Voucher Header History (VCHR_HDR_HS): This table contains all the information entered in the headers of posted vouchers (voucher number, invoice date, invoice amount, and so on.). Costpoint retrieves the invoice date, invoice amount, and discount amount from this table for each voucher and inserts this information into the Entry Detail Record for the vendor to whom the voucher belongs.