EBOM Comp Subtask

Use this subtask to view all engineering change notice (ECN) engineering bills of material (EBOM) component rows for the selected ECN part row.

The table window on this screen displays EBOM components for the Assembly Part if an Action Code has been selected for the line in the EBOM Components subtask of the Manage Engineering Change Notices, Approve Engineering Change Notices, and/or Update Approved Engineering Change Notices screens. If the Assembly Part's Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision, the EBOM components for the original part/revision display. Otherwise, the EBOM components for the change-to part will display.


Field Description
Engineering Change Notice

This field displays the selected ECN ID.


This field displays the selected ECN description.


This field displays the status of the selected ECN.

Table Window

This table window displays EBOM components for the Assembly Part if an Action Code has been selected for EBOM component lines in the EBOM Components subtask of the Manage Engineering Change Notices, Approve Engineering Change Notices, and/or Update Approved Engineering Change Notices screens.

Field Description
Action Code

This field displays the action code for the EBOM.


This field displays the line number of the EBOM component.

Find No

This field displays the find number for the EBOM.

Component Part

This field displays the selected component part ID.

Component Rev

This field displays the component part's revision number.

Component Description

This field displays the description of the component part.

Component Type

This field displays the component part's component type.

Quantity Type

This field displays the component part's quantity type.


This field displays the quantity of the part.


This field displays the inventory units of measure for the part.

Make or Buy

This field displays either Make or Buy status for the component part.

Configuration ID

This field displays the part's configuration ID.

Configuration Description

This field displays the part's configuration description.

Effective Start Date

This field displays the effective start date of the selected part.

Effective End Date

This field displays the effective end date of the selected part.

Component Released

This field displays either Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate the part's component release status.

Component Comments

This field displays the EBOM's comments on the ECN.

Omit Requirements

This field displays either Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not requirements can be omitted for the selected part.

Stop Explosion

This field displays either Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate a stop explosion for the selected part.


This field displays the selected part's scrap percentage.

Copy Data

This field displays either Y (Yes) if data for the selected part will be copied or N (No) if it will not.

Reference Designators

This field displays the reference designators for the component line.