Contents of the Configure Bills of Material Setting Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Bills of Material Setting screen.

This screen consists of two blocks: BOM Settings and BOM Corporate Settings.

BOM Settings

Use this block to specify settings for the Bills of Material applications.

MBOM Release Control

Use this group box to specify settings for applications related to manufacturing bills of materials (MBOM).

Field Description
Use Separate MBOM Release Function

Select this check box to require users to access the Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screen in order to fully or partially release the MBOM of an assembly, as well as to update the status of a released MBOM.

  • If you select this check box, users cannot directly release MBOMs in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen.
  • If you clear this check box, users can set the MBOM Status value to Released or Partially Released in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen.

Default Component Release Status in Bill

Use this group box to determine the default status for new component lines that are included in unreleased assemblies in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material and Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screens.

Field Description

Select this option to give new components of unreleased or partially released assemblies a default status of Released, where the Component Release check box is selected in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material and/or Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screens. If the new component's status is not Released in the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, and this option is selected when you add the component to an MBOM, Costpoint displays an error message.


Select this option to give new components a default status of Unreleased, where the Component Released check box is clear in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material and/or Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screens.

Part Status

If you select the Part Status option, the component release status is set to the status of the part set up in the Manage Parts screen.

  • If the component's part status is Released, Obsolete, or Phase-out, the Component Released check box will be selected (released) in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material and Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screens, when you add the part to a line on an MBOM.
  • If the component's part status is Pre-release or Estimating, the Component Released check box will be clear (unreleased).

If the new component's status is not Released in the Manage Parts screen and this option is selected when you add the component to an MBOM, a warning message displays. If the assembly is released, Costpoint will automatically set the component status to Released.

EBOM Release Control

Use this group box to specify settings for applications related to engineering bills of materials (EBOM).

Field Description
Use Separate EBOM Release Function

Selecting this check box requires you to access the Release Engineering Bills of Material screen in order to fully release the EBOM of an assembly, as well as to update the status of a released EBOM.

  • If you select this check box, users cannot directly release EBOMs in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material screen.
  • If this check box is cleared, users can set the EBOM status to Released in the Enter/Manage Engineering Bills of Material screen.

Default Component Release Status in Bill

Use this group box to determine the default status for new component lines that are included in unreleased assemblies in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens.

Field Description

Select this option to give new components of unreleased assemblies a default status of Released, where the Component Release check boxis selected in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens. If the new component's status is not Released in the Manage Parts screen, and this option is selected when you add the component to an EBOM, Costpoint displays an error message.


Select this option to give new components a default status of Unreleased, where the Component Released check box is clear in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens.

Part Status

If the Part Status option is selected, the component status is set to the status of the part set up in the Manage Parts screen.

  • If the component's part status is Released, Obsolete, or Phase-out, the Component Released check box will be selected(released) in the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens, when you add it to a line on an EBOM.
  • If the component's part status is Pre-release or Estimating, the Component Released check box will be clear (unreleased).
  • If the new component's status is not Released in the Manage Parts screen and this option is selected when you add the component to an EBOM, Costpoint displays a warning message. If the assembly is released, Costpoint will automatically set the component status to Released.

Document Release Control

Use this group box to specify setting for releasing BOM documents.

Field Description
Use Separate Document Release Function

If you select this check box, you must run the Release Documents screen before you can fully or partially release a document, or edit a released document record, in the Manage Documents screen.

If you clear this check box, you can release a document in the Manage Documents screen by selecting Released in the Status drop-down list.

Default Initial Document Status

Use this group box to specify whether BOM documents are released or unreleased by default.

Field Description

Select this option to give the new document a default status of Released.


Select this option to give the new document a default status of Unreleased.

Additional Settings

Use this group box to specify whether or not to associate the default company CAGE ID to BOM documents.

Field Description
Default Company CAGE ID to Document

Select this check box to associate the default company CAGE ID to BOM documents.

Default BOM Line Number to Find Number

Select this check box to default BOM Line Number to Find Number.

BOM Corporate Settings

Use this block to specify corporate settings for Bills of Material applications.

Field Description
Use Configuration IDs

Select this check box to allow the setup and use of configuration identifiers in Costpoint Bills of Material. Use configuration identifiers to create and store different versions of the BOM of an assembly part, to represent different options. Clear this check box to disable the Manage Configuration Identifiers screen and hide or disable all Configuration ID fields and other related fields.

Use Engineering Bills of Material

Select this check box to enable the screens under the Engineering Bills of Material menu so that you can maintain and store EBOMs. You can also use EBOMs, where applicable, throughout Costpoint.

Clear this check box to access MBOMs only.

Use Extended Length Reference Designators

Select this check box to enable the entry of 32,000 characters in all Reference Designator fields.

Clear this check box to use the standard 254-character length.


Changing the status of this check box after you have populated and saved certain Reference Designator fields for the MBOM or EBOM assembly may cause data integrity problems. If you change this check box from clear to selected, you must run the Convert Reference Designators from Short to Long screen. Conversely, you must run the Convert Reference Designators from Long to Short screen whenever you change the Use Extended Length Reference Designators check box from selected to clear.