Create Subcontract Purchase Order Vouchers

Use this screen to generate subcontract purchase vouchers (with the purchase order type of Subcontract PO on the Manage Purchase Orders screen in Purchasing) for eligible line amounts based on completed work, stored materials, and retentions as specified through progress payment requests made on the Update Subcontract Purchase Order Status screen in Purchasing.

  • You can select vendors, subcontract purchase orders, and periods for which to generate vouchers.
  • You can include or exclude negative voucher line amounts and payment discount amounts.
  • You can create vouchers with or without generating a report.
  • You can generate only one voucher per purchase order in this process.
  • Amounts are based on the latest status update transaction on the Update Subcontract Purchase Order Status screen that has not yet been vouchered.

For Costpoint to generate vouchers automatically, the following conditions must be true:

  • The Auto Voucher field is set to Yes for the lines on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.
  • The Allow Auto-Vouchering for POs option is selected for the vendor on the Defaults tab of the Manage Vendor screen.
  • The 2- and 3-Way Match or 3-Way Match Only option is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen.
  • Subcontract purchase orders must meet the 3-way match qualifications as outlined here. No discrepancies are allowed.
  • The subcontract purchase order line's total ordered amount, accepted amount (completed work and stored materials), and vouchered amount must be in agreement. 
  • For any subcontract purchase order line, the Accepted Amount or Vouchered Amount cannot exceed the total Ordered Amount on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. 
  • For each selected subcontract purchase order, Costpoint checks each line to determine whether the Eligible for Voucher Amt (on the Sub PO Line subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen) is greater than zero (if negative vouchers are not included) or greater/less than zero (if negative vouchers are included). If this occurs for one or more lines for the subcontract purchase order, a voucher line account is generated for each purchase order line account for the selected purchase order lines.
  • Subcontract purchase order lines always use the Total match option. This means that Costpoint matches the invoice amounts against the total purchase order line completed amount (sum of accepted amounts), and not against individual accepted amounts from different status updates.
  • Negative voucher line amounts are included for voucher generation only if you select the Include Negative Voucher Line Amounts check box on this screen.
  • Payment discount amounts are included if you select the Apply Payment Discounts check box.

This screen has four blocks:

  • Use the Identification block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously-saved parameter ID.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to select vendors or subcontract purchase orders.
  • Use the Options block to include purchase order lines that have a negative value for the amount that is eligible to be vouchered or to apply payment discounts.
  • Use the Generate block to select an option for the invoice numbering method; to select the fiscal year, period, and subperiod for which eligible subcontract purchase order vouchers are created; and to enter the starting voucher number to be assigned to the generated vouchers.

Use this screen after you create the subcontract purchase order (on the Manage Purchase Orders screen) and update the progress payment request(s) information on the Update Subcontract Purchase Order Status screen.