Assigned Application Screens Subtask

Use this subtask to assign a message board to an application and result set.

A new record in this table defines that the message board is active for the given application/result set (application screen). When the message board is active, the application result set toolbar displays the Email button. Click this button to open the message board for the particular application screen record.

The association to the application screen is not complete before fields are entered for the result set. The field definition associates a message board to a particular record and is configured on the Message Board Data Fields screen. You must complete the field definitions before you can save the data in this subtask.

You can assign a message board to multiple application screens.


Field Description

Use this field to enter the identification code of the application to associate with the message board.

Application Name

Use this field to enter the descriptive name of the application.

Result Set ID

Use this field to enter the identification code for the assigned application.

Result Set Name

Use this field to enter the descriptive name of the result set ID.

This is an approval screen

Select this check box to indicate that the result set is an approval screen.

Approval Request Text

Enter the text message for approval requests.


Subtask Description
Data Fields Click this link to open the Data Fields subtask and define data fields.