Approval Screen Fields Subtask

Use this subtask to define approval screen fields and match them to entity fields entered on the Approval Entity Fields subtask.

Table Window

You must accomplish this subtask for every application screen associated with the approval workflow model.

Note: If a given screen is not the topmost level result set, you can include the fields from the parent result set.

Use this table window to enter details for the result set you specified on the Application Screens subtask. Click to add a record to the table window.

You can click the Load All Screen Fields button at the bottom of the table window to populate the fields on this subtask. This action uses Costpoint screen definitions and populates the table with all the fields defined for a particular screen. Click this button only once and when there are no records displayed in the table window.

Field Description

Select this check box to indicate that this screen field is a key field and should be used during the approval process. By default, fields designated as primary keys in the result set are set as key fields when you click the Load All Screen Fields button (that is, the Key check box is selected automatically). You can, however, clear this check box for these primary keys if you do not want them to be used in the workflow execution.

The Key check box is used in the identification of specific instances of approval entities within the entity collection. For example, if you are approving vouchers, the value of Key defines a unique identifier for the voucher (VCHR_NO). Costpoint uses the VCHR_NO values to identify which vouchers have been approved or not.

Keys also play an important role in approval URL generation. Using the keys defined here, the approval framework will generate unique URLs that will be included in the notification email. The URLs can be used later by approvers to remotely approve workflow activities.
Note: At least one field must be designated as a Key.
Locked Select this check box to disable changes for this screen field during the approval process. When you click the Load All Screen Fields button, this check box is selected for all fields by default, but you can clear it for those fields that are not relevant in the approval process.
Screen Label Click to select the screen label of the screen field that is the object of approval. If the field does not have a screen label, the value displayed in this field is the same as the Field Id. If you selected a value in Field Id, Data Type, Screen Name, or Result Set (Screen) Id first, this field automatically displays the screen label corresponding to the value you selected.
Entity Key Field Name Enter, or click to select, the entity key field name you want to map to the approval screen field. The lookup includes entity key field names that are defined on the Approval Entity Fields subtask.
Since the mapping helps retrieve values for the entity fields from the actual screen fields when the approval starts, it is very important that you map all Key fields to entity fields.
Field Id Enter, or click to select, the screen field ID that is the object of approval. If you selected a value in Screen Label, Data Type, Screen Name, or Result Set (Screen) Id first, this field automatically displays the field ID corresponding to the value you selected.
Primary Key If selected, this check box indicates that the selected screen field has been assigned as a primary key.
Data Type Click to select the data type corresponding to the screen field that is the object of approval. Valid options are:
  • Text
  • Number
  • Date

If you selected a value in Screen Label, Field Id, Screen Name, or Result Set (Screen) Id first, this field automatically displays the data type corresponding to the value you selected.

Screen Name Enter, or click to select, the name of the screen that contains the screen field that is the object of approval. If you selected a value in Screen Label, Field Id, Data Type, or Result Set (Screen) Id first, this field automatically displays the screen name corresponding to the value you selected.
Result Set (Screen) Id Enter, or click to select, the result set ID. If you selected a value in Screen Label, Field Id, Data Type, or Screen Name first, this field automatically displays the result set ID corresponding to the value you selected.
Note: If the screen is not the topmost result set for the application, it is usually necessary that you include key fields from the parent result set in order to uniquely identify the record in the child result set.
Load All Screen Fields Click this button to populate the table window with all fields defined for the application screen. When you click this button, only the Entity Key Field Name field can be modified. Values that can be entered or selected in the lookup for this field must be first set up on the Approval Entity Fields subtask.