Section 1 Tab

This tab displays the information found in Section I, Identification Information, of the form 1443.

This tab also displays the certification information found in the footer of the form. Most of the information originates on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. You can modify all of the fields on this tab.

Contract Information

Field Description
3. Small Bus.

This field displays the status (large or small business) of the entity that generated the bill. This status determines how some of the billing lines on the form 1443 are completed. If the Bill Cost Incurred on Cash Basis check box on the Setup Information tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen was selected for this project, the entity is large business and must use cash basis billing for this project. The Small Bus. field on this screen displays No. If the check box was not selected, the entity is small business and does not use cash basis billing for this project. The Small Bus. field on this screen displays Yes.

4A. Contract No.

This field displays the contract number from the Prime Contract No field on the Details tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen.

4B. Task or Delivery Order No.

This field displays the purchase order number from the Purchase Order No field on the Details tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen.

5. Contract Price

This field displays the contract price that is used in the calculation of some of the billing lines on the form 1443. The price basis depends on which option is selected in the drop-down list on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Valid options there are:

  • Contract Cost
  • Contract Value
  • Funded Cost
  • Funded Value
  • Other

Contract and funded values are entered on the Manage Modifications screen. If you use the Other amount option, you enter this value on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

6. Rates

This group box displays the progress payments and liquidation rates that are used when Costpoint calculates some of the billing lines on the form 1443. You enter the rates on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

Field Description
A. Prog. Pymts.

This field displays the progress payments rate.

B. Liquidation

This field displays the liquidation rate.

7. Date of Initial Award

This group box displays the Initial Award Date from the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

Field Description
A. Year

This field displays the year of the date of initial award.

B. Month

This field displays the month of the date of initial award.

8. Progress Payment

Field Description
A. Request No.

This field displays the progress payment request number. This number is the result of incrementing the right-most numeric value of the Last Bill Number field on the Setup Information tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

B. Date of This Request

This field displays the invoice date of the bill. This date originates from the Invoice Date field on the Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen.


This group box displays the information for the Certification section of the form 1443.

Field Description
Rep Name

This field displays the representative name entered on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

Rep Title

This field displays the representative title entered on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen.

Officer Name

This field displays the Contract Officer name entered on the Manage Government Contract Information screen.

Officer Title

This field displays the officer title, which must be manually entered.

iRAPT Information

This non-editable group box displays iRAPT information for this bill.

Field Description
Included in iRAPT File

If this check box is selected, this indicates that the bill has been included in a iRAPT file. 

Alt File Location

If the bill was included in a iRAPT file, this field displays the output path used when the file was created.

File Name

If the bill was included in a iRAPT file, this field displays the file name.