User-Defined Field Labels Subtask

Use this subtask to create labels for the various user-defined fields in the Employee, UDT01, and UDT02 master tables. If you do not set up the labels, the fields will be disabled in their respective screens.


User-Defined Field Labels

Use these fields to create labels for the various code and date user-defined fields in the Employee, UDT01, and UDT02 master tables. If you do not set up the labels, the fields are disabled in their respective screens.


Field Description
Code 1

Enter a label for the first alphanumeric field in the table.  It can be up to 20 characters long.

Code 2

Enter a label for the second alphanumeric field in the table.  It can be up to 20 characters long.

Code 3

Use this field to enter a label for the third alphanumeric field in the table.  It can be up to 20 characters long.

Date 1

Use this field to enter a label for the first date field in the table.  It can be up to 20 characters long.

Date 2

Use this field to enter a label for the second date field in the table.  It can be up to 20 characters long.

Date 3

Use this field to enter a label for the third date field in the table.  It can be up to 20 characters long.


For the Employee, UDT01, and UDT02 labels, you can edit user-defined codes and/or dates.

For the Provider label, you can edit a user-defined code only.

When you have finished editing the user-defined labels, click OK to save your changes.