Component Part Information Subtask

Use this subtask to view detailed information, including substitute parts, about the component in the selected component part in the View Where-Used Bills of Material screen.


Field Description
Item No

This field displays the item number for the component part.

AC 1

This field displays the AC 1 information for the component part.


This field displays the component part description.


This group displays details about the component for the assembly line, subject to the selection criteria.

Field Description

This field displays M (Make) if the component part is manufactured or B (Buy) if it is purchased.

Part Type

This field displays the component part's type code. The various types are:

  • B: Buy with Components
  • S: Standard
  • P: Phantom
  • R: Reference
  • T: Tool
Part Status

This field displays the component part's release status. The various statuses are:

  • Released
  • Unreleased
  • Prereleased (MBOMs only)
  • Provisional (EBOMs only)

This field displays the national stock number of the component part.

Mil Spec

This field displays the military specification number of the component part.


This field displays the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code of the component part.