ECNs Subtask

Use this subtask to view all engineering change notices (regardless of status) referencing the part entered in the main screen header


Field Description

This field displays the part ID.


This field displays the part revision number.


This field displays the part description.


This field displays the part's unit of measure.

MPS Plan

This field displays the MPS planning code for the schedule selected on the main screen (P is the code for the "official" MPS Production plan; other codes represent "what-if" plans).

Table Window

Field Description
Engineering Change Notice

This field displays the ID of the Engineering Change Notice linked to the selected part.


This field displays the revision number for the ECN (how many times it has been resubmitted for approval).

ECN Description

This field displays a short description of the ECN.


This field displays the status of the ECN, which can be:

  • Pending: Not yet submitted for approval.
  • In-Approval: In the approval process, but not yet rejected or approved.
  • Approved: ECN was approved by all necessary approvers.
  • Rejected: ECN was rejected by an approver.
  • Documents Updated: ECN was approved and necessary documents were updated to reflect the change.
  • Implemented: The Apply Engineering Changes Notices process was run against the approved ECN and all necessary part, document routing, and BOM information was updated in Costpoint.
  • Closed: ECN was closed before implementation.
  • Void: ECN was rejected and voided.

This field displays the ECN type assigned to the ECN. ECN types are defined on the Manage Engineering Change Types screen in Engineering Change Notices.


This field displays the class assigned to the ECN. Three options are valid:

  • I: A change that affects a configuration item's form, fit, or function (a part number change is typically required).
  • II: A change that does not affect a configuration item's form, fit, or function (a part number change is not typically required).
  • 1.5: Some organizations use this class for unique cases.

This field displays the priority or importance of the ECN. Priority codes are assigned on the Manage Engineering Change Priorities screen.


This field displays the code classifying the reason for the ECN. Reason codes are defined on the Manage Engineering Change Reasons screen.

Reason Description

This field displays the reason description.

Action Code

This field displays the code for the action that the ECN performs on the part:

  • Add: The ECN adds the part to the part master
  • Change: The ECN modifies the part characteristics
  • Delete: The ECN inactivates the part in the part master
  • Replace: The ECN replaces an obsolete part with another part
  • New Rev: The ECN increases the revision number of the part
  • Obsolete: The ECN flags the part as obsolete
Original Part

This field displays the identifier of the original part that is affected by the ECN. This field is empty for records with an Action Code of Add. For lines with an Action Code of Replace, the original part represents the part that is replaced.

Orig Rev

This field displays the revision number of the part that is affected by the ECN. For lines with action code of New Rev, it represents the revision before it is updated.

Original Part Description

This field displays the description of the original part that is affected by the ECN.

Original Status

This field displays the release status of the original part that is affected by the ECN

  • Estimating
  • Obsolete
  • Pre-Release
  • Released
  • Phase-Out
  • Unreleased
Original Part Active

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending whether or not the original part affected by the ECN is active.

Change-To Part

This field displays the ID of the part that replaces the original part. This field is blank for lines with an Action Code of Change, Delete, and Obsolete.

Change-To Rev

This field displays the revision of the part that replaces the original part. For lines with Action Code of New Rev, it represents the revision after it is updated by the ECN.

Change-To Part Description

This field displays the description of the change-to part. For lines with Action Code of Add, this field displays the description of the new part being created by the ECN.

Change-To Status

This field displays the release status that the change-to part is assigned by the ECN:

  • Estimating
  • Obsolete
  • Pre-Release
  • Released
  • Phase-Out
  • Unreleased
Change-To CAGE

This field displays the CAGE code of the change-to part to be added by the ECN.

Change-To Make/Buy

This field displays Buy if the change-to part is normally purchased and Make if it is normally manufactured.

Effective Date

This field displays the date on which the changes were/are to become effective.

Material Disposition

This field displays the code that indicates how existing inventory for the original part is dispositioned:

  • Scrap
  • Rework
  • Reinspect
  • No Change
  • Update Rev

This field displays the employee ID of the person originating the ECN.

Originator Name

This field displays the name of the person originating the ECN.


This field displays the organization to which the ECN is linked.

ECN Date

This field displays the date on which the ECN originated.

Submit for Approval Date

This field displays the date on which the ECN was submitted for approval.

Approval Date

This field displays the date on which the ECN was approved.

Planned Implementation Date

This field displays the date on which Costpoint part, BOM, and routing changes are planned for implementation.

Implementation Date

This field displays the date on which the Costpoint part, BOM, and routing changes were implemented.

Customer Apprvl Required

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not customer approval is required for the ECN.


This field displays the ID of the customer for whom the ECN is being prepared.

Customer Name

This field displays the name of the customer for whom the ECN is being prepared.

Customer Approval Status

This field displays the current status of the customer approval:

  • Not Required
  • Pending
  • Approved
  • Rejected

This field displays the Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) number assigned to the ECN.

ECP Type

This field displays the current type of the ECP:

  • Formal
  • Preliminary
  • Not Applicable

This field displays the CAGE ID of the entity assigned responsibility for the ECN.

Approval Project

This field displays the ID of the project that is to be used to determine which users can approve the ECN.


This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not the ECN is on hold.

Originator Phone

This field displays the telephone number of the originator of the ECN.

Originator Phone Ext

This field displays the telephone extension of the originator of the ECN.

Approval Process

This field displays the approval process this ECN is (or was) required to pass through before implementation.

Last Change User

This field displays the user ID of the person who made the last change to the ECN.

Last Change Date/Time

This field displays the date and time of the last change to the ECN.

Entry User

This field displays the user ID of the person who originally created the ECN.

Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date and time on which the ECN was originally created.