Contents of the Manage Supplemental Regulations Library Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Supplemental Regulations Library screen.

Table Window

Use this table window to view and/or enter supplemental regulation clauses. Click New to add a new line.

Field Description
Required Select this check box if the supplemental regulation clause number should be included when loading required rows only on the Manage Contracts and Manage Subcontracts screens.

Use this drop-down list to indicate whether the clause number and/or description should be printed on a purchase order or on a Costpoint Enterprise Reporting (CER) report. Valid options are:

  • None: This is selected by default. Keep it selected to exclude the supplemental regulation details on purchase orders and CER reports.
  • IBR (Included by Reference): Select this option to print the clause number and title on purchase orders and CER reports.
  • Full Text: Select this option to print the clause number description, in addition to the number and title, on purchase orders and CER reports.
Note: Printing of supplemental regulation clause details on purchase orders will be included in a future enhancement in the Materials domain.
Risk Level

Select the level of risk associated with the clause number. Valid options are:

  • None
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

The risk level is used for reporting only.

Clause Number

Enter a supplemental regulation clause number.

There are Costpoint-defined clause numbers, including DFARS clause numbers, that display automatically in this field. You cannot modify or delete these numbers.

For user-defined codes, once the code is assigned to a contract or subcontract, you will not be able to delete it on this screen.

Agency Enter, or click to select, the agency who issued the supplemental regulation clause.
Title Enter a title for new clause numbers. For existing numbers, you can modify the title of both user- and system-defined clause numbers.
Description Enter the full description of the clause number.
Editable Select this check box to allow editing of the title and description of the clause number on the Supplemental Regulations subtask of the Manage Contracts and Manage Subcontracts screens.
Effective Date

Enter, or click to select, the effective date of the clause number.

Note: If the effective date of the clause changes, you can enter a new record for the same clause with a different effective date. The clause number and effective date combination must be unique. Null effective date is allowed, but only once for each clause number.
Added Date Enter, or click to select, the date that this row/record was added to Costpoint or the date the information was gathered.
Show in Lookup

This check box is selected by default for both system- and user-defined clause numbers. Keep it selected to display the clause number in the lookup of the Clause Number field on the Supplemental Regulations subtask of the Manage Contracts and Manage Subcontracts screens. Only those numbers that are available in the lookup can be used for new records in Manage Contracts and Manage Subcontracts.

If you clear this check box for a clause number that was already used in an existing record in Manage Contracts or Manage Subcontracts, you will still be able to save that record as long as you do not replace the clause number for that record.

Source This field displays System (system-defined code) or User (user-defined code). You cannot modify this field.
Notes Enter additional notes associated with the clause number.
Subcontract Flow-down

Select the subcontract flow-down method for the clause number when you use the Autoload function on the Supplemental Regulations subtask of the Manage Subcontracts screen. Your selection determines whether the clause number from the contract (specified in the Load Options group box of the Supplemental Regulations subtask) will flow down to the subcontract record.

Valid options are:

  • None: This option is selected by default. If you keep it selected, the clause number from the contract will not flow down to the subcontract record.
  • Optional: If you select this option, the clause number will be loaded from the contract to the subcontract record. The Applicable to Subcontract check box is automatically selected for the clause number on the Supplemental Regulations subtask of Manage Subcontracts, but you can clear it.
  • Required: If you select this option, the clause number will be loaded from the contract to the subcontract record. The Applicable to Subcontract check box is automatically selected for the clause number on the Supplemental Regulations subtask of Manage Subcontracts, and you will not be able to clear it.
  • Not Required: If you select this option, the clause number will be loaded from the contract to the subcontract record. The Applicable to Subcontract check box is clear for the clause number on the Supplemental Regulations subtask of Manage Subcontracts, but you can select it.

In summary:

Subcontract Flow-down option Flow down supplemental regulation clause from contract to subcontract? Applicable to Subcontract check box default Can Applicable to Subcontract check box be edited?
None No
Optional Yes Selected Yes
Required Yes Selected No
Not Required Yes Clear Yes
Subcontract Notes Enter notes about the subcontract that is already or will be associated with the supplemental regulation clause. You can also add general subcontract notes for the clause (for example, if a clause is related to invoicing, you could enter "If used, ensure that we always have timesheets as backup").
Mitigation Type

Select the mitigation type that applies to the clause number, which will be used for reporting purposes. Valid options are:

  • None
  • Price
  • Cost Impact
Mitigation Notes Enter notes associated with the mitigation for the clause number.


Subtask Description
Import FAR/Supplemental Regulation Files Use this subtask to import supplemental regulation clauses from comma-separated file(s) into the Manage Supplemental Regulations Library screen.