Contents of the Manage Opportunity Company Responsibilities Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Opportunity Company Responsibilities screen.

Table Window

Use this table window to view and/or enter opportunity company responsibilities. Click New to add a new line.

Field Description
Company Responsibility Code

Enter a code for a company responsibility type to be used to describe an opportunity.

There are three Costpoint-defined opportunity company responsibility codes that display automatically in this field. You cannot modify or delete these codes. Costpoint-defined codes are as follows:

  • PARTNER: Joint Venture Partner
  • PRIME: Prime Contractor
  • SUB: Subcontractor

For user-defined codes, once the code is assigned to an opportunity, you will not be able to delete it on this screen.

Company Responsibility Description Enter a description for new company responsibility codes. For existing codes, you can modify this field for both user- and system-defined company responsibility codes.
Show in Lookup

This check box is selected by default for both user- and system-defined company responsibility codes, but you can modify it. Keep it selected to display the company responsibility code in the lookup of the Our Role/Responsibility field on the Manage Opportunities screen. Only those codes that are available in the lookup can be used for new records in Manage Opportunities.

If you clear this check box for a code that was already used in an existing record in Manage Opportunities, you will still be able to save that record as long as you do not replace the opportunity company responsibility code for that record.

Source This field displays System (system-defined code) or User (user-defined code). You cannot modify this field.