Contents of the Manage Closed Progress Billing Detail Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Closed Progress Billing Detail screen.


Field Description

This field displays the project that was billed on the progress payment billing. If Costpoint updated this record, you cannot modify this field. The project name displays in the non-editable field to the right.


Subtask Description
Line 9 Detail and Line 10 Detail Click these links to access one of two Line Detail subtasks. You can use the "drill-down" feature in these subtasks to review the individual transactions that compose some of the billing lines. This function is available for lines 9 and 10 of the form 1443. Because these transactions are included on bills that have already been posted, each of the fields is non-editable.

You can optionally initialize the transaction detail history for lines 9 and 10. However, these amounts are not used by the Calculate Progress Payment Bills screen; initialization is for reporting purposes only.