
The Generate Timesheet screen enables supervisors and administrators to generate timesheets on behalf of employees.

Employees for Whom You Can Generate Timesheets

You can generate timesheets with hours for employees assigned to a timesheet class for which Generate Exception-Based Timesheets is checked on the Basic Information tab of the Manage Timesheet Classes screen. The hours assigned are based on each employee's work schedule, charge favorites, and the work percentages associated with his or her charge favorites.

You can generate timesheets without hours for any employee. Companies that do this often print the timesheets and distribute them to employees as a worksheet for recording their hours for the period. In this case, Time & Expense prints the timesheets in a special format designed for recording hours by hand.

Set Up Considerations

The following table outlines the general set up steps.

Step Description
Security roles Make sure the security roles for those who will generate the timesheets grant them access to the Generate Timesheets screen.
Configuration Settings If you are going to generate exception-based timesheets (timesheets with default hours) for some employees, check Generate Exception-Based Timesheets on the Basic Information tab of the Manage Timesheet Classes screen for the timesheet classes to which those employees are assigned.
Establish charge favorites Make sure the employees have charge favorites established for the charge codes you want to appear on the generated timesheets. Those charge codes should include codes for holiday and vacation time.
Work percentages If you are going to generate timesheets with hours, make sure that those employees have work percentages associated with their charge favorites and that those percentages add up to 100 percent.


If you are generating timesheets with hours, a timesheet won't be generated for an employee in the following circumstances:

  • The employee already has a timesheet for the period.
  • The work percentages assigned to the employee's charge favorites don't add up to 100 percent.
  • The employee is scheduled for a holiday but either has no holiday charge favorite or has more than one holiday favorite.
  • The employee is scheduled for vacation but either has no vacation charge favorite or has more than one vacation favorite.

If you are generating timesheets without hours, a timesheet won't be generated for an employee in the following circumstances:

  • The employee is scheduled for vacation but either has no vacation charge favorite or has more than one vacation favorite.
  • The employee does not have at least one charge favorite.
  • The employee is scheduled for a holiday but either has no holiday charge favorite or has more than one holiday favorite.
  • The employee is scheduled for vacation but either has no vacation charge favorite or has more than one vacation favorite.