Assigned Report Categories Subtask

Use this subtask to link specific report categories to one or more printers in the System Printers block and to assign permissions to the report category/printer combination.

Set up this subtask before you use the printing features in Costpoint. Also, you must first set up users and/or user groups on either the Manage Users screen or the Manage User Groups screen.

Assigned User Report Categories

Use this table window to link specific report categories to one or more printers in the System Printers table window and to assign Allow or Deny rights to the report category/printer combination.

Field Description
Report Category

Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the report category for which to assign Allow or Deny rights to the printer selected in the System Printers table window.

Note: Report categories and the reports assigned to them are pre-loaded by the system on the Manage Report Categories screen. Although you cannot edit the data report category/report data from that screen, you can specify permissions to print, print to file, download, email, archive, print cover page, deliver audit reports, and assign a report archive category.
Report Category Rights

Select Allow or Deny from the drop-down list to assign rights to the report category selected for the row. Allow is the system default.


Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the company for which this setting applies.


Click this button to save your preferences and close this subtask.