Request Leave

You can submit leave requests from the New Leave Request dialog box of the Manage Work Schedule screen.

To request leave, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Time & Expense > Time > Timesheets > Manage Work Schedule to display the Manage Work Schedule screen.
  2. Click to open the New Leave Request dialog box.
  3. In the From field, use to enter the first day of your requested leave. The default is the current day.
  4. In the To field, use the to enter the last day of your requested leave. The default is the current day.
  5. From the Leave Type drop-down list, select the available leave type from which you want to draw upon for your leave. Available hours display for each type.
  6. In the Daily Hours field, enter the number of total leave hours you want to take per day.
    After you enter the total and click outside of the Daily Hours field, the aggregate displays in the Total Hours field. The Total Hours field is non-editable.
  7. Click after you have entered your total hours for the current request.
    After you complete your leave request, your requested leave days pending approval display as red in the Employee Work Schedule Dates table. The first number in the cell is the number of leave hours requested for the day. The second is the total work hours for the day according to the employee's normal work schedule. Days where leave has been approved display as green .