Off-Line Timesheet Overview

Use the Off-Line Timesheets feature to record timesheet charges when you are not able to log on to Time and Expense with ESS. This feature lets you enter your timesheet charges into an Excel spreadsheet, then later merge the spreadsheet contents into your online timesheet.

A supervisor can also create the spreadsheet for an employee.

If your timesheet class is set up to use off-line timesheets, you can create a formatted Excel file based on the currently displayed timesheet, including the contents of all of the lines and cells on the timesheet. You can save this file anywhere you wish.


You can perform any of these tasks in the off-line timesheet:

Add new timesheet lines

Enter or edit hours on existing or new lines

Enter or edit line comments on existing or new lines

Update line and row totals

You cannot perform these tasks in the off-line timesheet:

Change the charge information for existing lines

Delete the charge information for existing lines

Enter or edit cell comments

Enter or edit  Time In/Out information

Enter or edit Rate 1 or Rate 2 information

Change hours on days that are designated as non-flexible non-work days.

Merging into Timesheet

When you are ready to merge your off-line timesheet into your on-line timesheet, you upload the spreadsheet to Time and Expense with ESS, which performs a number of validations. After the merge, any timesheet lines from the off-line timesheet appear in the online timesheet.

Merging and Interim Charges

If you allow employees to create interim charges when entering timesheets in Time and Expense with ESS, be aware that the merge process does not create interim charges. However, if the interim charge has already been created in Time and Expense with ESS, it can be used in an off-line timesheet, assuming all data is valid.