Contents of the Manage MRP Action Messages Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.


Field Description
MPS Plan

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the code of the MPS plan for which you want to view, and possibly implement, MRP action messages.

Enter P (Production) if you want to see action messages for the official production plan or enter a different code to see action messages for a "what-if" scenario. Messages for non-production MPS plans ("what-if" plans) cannot be implemented.

Inventory Project Selection

Use this group box to specify from which projects or netting group you want to retrieve action messages.

Field Description
Project Option

Use the drop-down list to select a project-grouping option to define which inventory projects to view. Available options are:

  • All Projects: Messages from all inventory projects planned by MRP are displayed.
  • Netting Group: Only messages for inventory projects linked to the selected netting group (in the Netting Group field) are displayed.
  • Single Project: Only messages for the selected inventory project (in the Project field) are displayed.
  • Top-Level Project: Only messages for inventory projects that share the same top-level project ID as the project in the Project field are displayed.

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the inventory project for which you would like to view action messages. This field is required if the Project Option is Top-Level Project or Single Project.

Netting Group

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the inventory netting group for which you would like to view action messages. This field is enabled and required only when the Project Option is Netting Group.

Netting groups are established in Costpoint Production Control. Each netting group consists of one or more inventory projects, assigned in the Manage Inventory Projects screen in Costpoint Inventory or Manage Netting Groups screen in Costpoint Production Control.


Use this drop-down list to select the planner for whom you would like to view action messages. You can view only those messages tied to a specific planner, or view messages for all planners. Select None to view messages for all planners, or if you want to display EC (ECN Pending) messages.

Planned Ord Date Cutoff

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the last suggested order date for which you would like to view planned order action messages. This is for planned order (message type PO) messages only.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the warehouse for which you would like to view action messages. If MRP planning is done by warehouse, you can specify which warehouse's messages you would like to view. You can also view available inventory for all warehouses. This field is available only if you have selected the Plan Warehouse Separately check box in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Material Requirements Planning Settings screen.

If MRP planning is not done by warehouse, this field is hidden, and message data is always displayed for all warehouses.

Select Message Types

Use the check boxes in this group box to select the types of messages you would like to view.

Field Description
Planned Order

Select this check box to view messages for planned orders that have been created to meet unfulfilled demand requirements.

Cancel Order

Select this check box to view messages for supply order quantities that are no longer needed to meet current demand, and can be closed or cancelled.

Decrease Quantity

Select this check box to view messages for supply orders that are larger than needed to meet current demand. The order/quantity can be reduced to the amount suggested by the message.


Select this check box to view messages for supply orders that should be rescheduled to the suggested due date in order to meet current demand need dates.

GFM Planned Orders

Select this check box to view messages for planned orders that have a default inventory abbreviation of GFM (Government Furnished Materials). Planned orders are created to meet unfulfilled demand requirements, but GFM items require further attention. To select and modify this order for firming or releasing, use the Planned Order subtask.

Inactive Inventory

Select this check box to view messages for planned orders that have a default inventory abbreviation that is not active. Planned orders are created to meet unfulfilled demand requirements, but inactive inventory abbreviation items require further attention. To select and modify this order for firming or releasing, use the Planned Order subtask.

Exceeds Max Qty

Select this check box to view messages for supply orders that exceed the maximum lot size quantity for this part.

ECN Pending

Select this check box to view messages for parts that have outstanding ECNs with a status of Pending, In Approval, Approved, or Documents Updated.

Substitute Part

Select this check box to display substitute part action messages.

Transfer Reservation

Select this check box to display transfer reservation action messages.

Table Window

This table window displays all action messages as specified in the header block.

Field Description
Action Code

From the drop-down list, select a code to indicate which action should be taken on the message. This field is hidden if the header MPS Plan code is not set to P (Production); you cannot implement or modify action messages for "what-if" MPS codes. Also, you may not be able to perform actions for certain order types, based on the values in Configure Material Requirements Planning Settings for Allow MO Maintenance, Allow PO Maintenance, and Allow Reservation Maintenance. Available options are:

  • Firm: Select this code to firm a planned order. Use the Planned Order subtask to make additional modifications to the planned order. This action code is not valid for messages other than planned orders.
  • Release: Select this code to release a planned order. Select the Planned Order subtask make additional modifications to the planned order. This action code is not valid for messages other than planned orders.
  • Modify: Select this action code when you want to modify the order/requisition tied to the message. This option is valid for all messages except Inactive Inv and ECN Pending.
  • Cancel Order: Select this action code to delete (in the case of planned orders or reservations) or close short (in the case of MOs, POs, and requisitions). This option is valid for all messages except Inactive Inv, GFM Plnd Ord, and ECN Pending.
  • Implement Suggestion: Select this action code to implement the suggested modifications. This is valid for Cancel Order, Decrease Qty, or Reschedule message types in the Select Message Types group box. Modifications to purchase orders or manufacturing orders are controlled by the Allow MO Maintenance and Allow PO Maintenance check boxes in the Configure Material Requirements Planning Settings screen. If you did not select these check boxes, modifications to POs and manufacturing orders are not allowed on this screen.
Message Type/Message Type Description

These fields display the message type code and description suggested by MRP for the row:

  • PO: Planned Order
  • CO: Cancel Order
  • DQ: Decrease Qty
  • RO: Reschedule Order
  • GF: GFM Plnd Ord
  • II: Inactive Inv Abbrev
  • MX: Exceeds Max Lot Qty
  • EC: ECN Pending
Supply Type

This field displays the type of supply order, requisition, or reservation for the row. The supply types include:

  • PO
  • Requisition
  • MO
  • Transfer Reservation
  • Planned Order
Order Type

For planned orders, this field displays the order type, which indicates the type of supply order that will be generated when the planned order is firmed or released. Options are:

  • Make: Turn planned orders into manufacturing orders.
  • Buy: Turn planned orders into requisitions.
  • Transfer Res: Turn planned orders into transfer reservations.

This field displays the manufacturer order, purchase order, requisition, or reservation number referenced by the action message.


This field displays the purchase order release number associated with the order supply for the row.


This field displays the line number associated with the action message purchase order, requisition, or transfer reservation.


This field displays the part ID associated with the action message for the row.

Suggested Open Quantity

This field displays the open order/requisition quantity, in the part's inventory unit of measure, suggested by MRP for the action message supply order.

From Inv Abbrev

This field displays the abbreviation for the inventory from which the part will be issued.

From Inv Abbrev Name

This field displays the full name of the inventory abbreviation from which the part will be issued.

Order Reference

This field displays the order ID referenced on the supply order shown on the given row.

Ref Line

This field displays the original requirement line number.


This field displays the commodity code for the part associated with the action message for the row.


This field displays the description of the part associated with the action message for the row.


This field displays the default or inventory unit of measure of the part on the action message row.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation associated with the action message row's supply order.


This field displays the revision of the part associated with the action message for the row.

Inventory Abbreviation Name

This field displays the abbreviation of the inventory associated with the action message for the row.

Inv Project

This field displays the inventory project ID associated with the action message for the row.

Inv Project Name

This field displays the abbreviation name for the project ID associated with the action message for the row.

Inv Project Abbrev

This field displays the project ID associated with the action message for this row.

From Inv Project

This field displays the project ID associated with the inventory from which the part will be issued.

From Inv Project Name

This field displays the full name of project associated with the inventory from which the part will be issued.


This field displays the planner ID assigned to the action message supply order.


For manufacturing orders, this field displays the supervisor ID for the order associated with the action message for the row.


For purchase orders and requisitions, this field displays the buyer ID for the order associated with the action message for the row.


This field displays the vendor ID for the purchase order or requisition associated with the action message for the row.


This field displays the warehouse ID associated with the supply order's action message.

Open Quantity

This field displays the open order/requisition quantity, in the part's inventory unit of measure, for the action message supply order.

Need Date

This field displays the date on which the inventory on the referenced supply order is needed.

Planned Available Date

This field displays the calculated planned availability date of the part. If you modify the Due Date of the planned order, Costpoint updates the Planned Avail Date.

If the planned order's Order Type is Buy, the Purchasing Inspection and Purchasing Receiving lead times are added to the Due Date to determine the Planned Avail Date using the Shop Floor Calendar days in Costpoint Production Control, if the Shop Days option is selected in the Configure Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control.

If the planned order's Order Type is Make, the manufacturing stocking lead time is added to the Due Date to determine the Planned Avail Date using the Shop Floor Calendar days in Costpoint Production Control, if the Shop Days option is selected in the Configure Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control.

If the planned order's Order Type is Transfer Res, the Planned Avail Date is the same as the Due Date.

Due Date

This field displays the date on which the referenced supply order is due to be received.

Suggested Due Date

This field displays the MRP-suggested due date for the order, considering lead times, if it is to be filled by the Need Date.

For a purchased part, Costpoint calculates this by subtracting the purchasing inspection and purchasing receiving lead times from the need date.

For a manufactured part, Costpoint subtracts the manufacturing stocking lead time from the need date.

Suggested Order Date

This field displays the MRP-suggested deadline for placing the order, considering lead times, if it is to be filled by the Need Date. Costpoint calculates this by subtracting the total part lead time from the need date of the requirement.

Suggested Release Date

This field displays the MRP-suggested release date.

For a PO, Cosrpoint calculates this by subtracting the purchasing vendor, purchasing/receiving, and purchasing inspection lead times from the need date of the requirement.

For an MO, Costpoint subtracts the manufacturing picking, manufacturing, manufacturing inspection, and manufacturing stocking lead times from the need date of the requirement.

Suggested Shop Date

This field displays the MRP-suggested shop date.

For a purchase requisition, Costpoint calculates this by subtracting the purchasing vendor, purchasing/receiving, and purchasing inspection lead times from the requirement's need date.

For a manufacturing order, Costpoint subtracts the manufacturing picking, manufacturing, manufacturing inspection, and manufacturing stocking lead times from the requirement's need date.

Change Days

This field displays the variance between the Need Date and the Planned Avail Date. It is displayed as a positive number (in days) if the Need Date is later than the Planned Avail Date, and is displayed as a negative number (in days) if the Need Date is earlier than the Planned Avail Date.

Inside Lead Time

For planned order action messages, this field displays Y (Yes) if the suggested due date is within the part's lead time. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

For reschedule action messages, this field displays Y (yes) if the Suggested Due Date, Suggested Release Date, or Suggested Shop Date is within the part's lead time. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Estimated Cost Change

This field displays the estimated cost of the changes in quantity as a result of MRP-suggested messages types such as Cancel Order or Decrease Quantity. For planned order messages, it shows the estimated cost of the supply order.

Message Created

This field displays the date on which the action message was generated by the MRP process.

MPS Plan

This field displays the MPS plan code the MRP action message was generated for. Messages for non-Production MPS plans ("what-if" plans) cannot be implemented.

Substitute Exists

This field displays Y (Yes) if a substitute part exists for the part/project or part (if no specific part/project substitutes are identified, but substitutes are not disallowed for the part/project). Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Order Reference Release

This field displays the order release number referenced on the supply order shown on the given row.

Order Reference Type

This field displays the type of order referenced on the supply order shown on the given row.

Original Part

This field displays the original part requirement.

Original Rev

This field displays the original part revision requirement.

Original Part Description

This field displays the original part description.


Subtask Description
Part Detail Click this link to open the Part Detail subtask for part and part/project information.
Projects Click this link to open the Projects subtask for project and inventory abbreviation information, based on the project selection criteria.
Warehouse Inventory Click this link to open the Warehouse Inventory subtask for current inventory information by warehouse for the selected row's part.
Inventory Details Click this link to open the Inventory Details subtask for current inventory information for the selected row's part.
Orders Click this link to open the Orders subtask to show details for all supply orders (planned orders, manufacturing orders, purchase orders, requisitions, and transfer reservations) for the selected row's part and inventory abbreviation.
PO Click this link to open the PO subtask and view details of purchase orders associated with the action message.
MO Click this link to open the MO subtask and view details of manufacturing orders associated with the action message.
Planned Order Click this link to open the Planned Order subtask and view details about the MRP-generated planned order supply associated with the action message.
Reservation Click this link to open the Reservation subtask and view details of the reservations associated with the action message.
Requisition Click this link to open the Requisition subtask and view open requisition information for an action message.
Requirements Click this link to open the Requirements subtask, where you can view the next level of requirements for the selected message line's part and inventory abbreviation code. The requirements display in Need Date order.
Full Reqmts Click this link to open the Full Reqmts subtask, where you can view multiple levels of requirements, ending with the original sales order/reservation, for the selected line's part and inventory abbreviation code.
Substitutes Click this link to open the Substitutes subtask for information on substitute parts and their available inventory, based on the action message row's part and inventory abbreviation.
ECNs Click this link to open the ECNs subtask for information on associated Engineering Change Notices for the selected message row's part.