FTP File Layout - MOCAS - Standard Bills - 2N1

If you are using the Mechanization of Contract Administration Service (MOCAS) pay system, refer to the following table to see the FTP layout used for standard bills and where the information is pulled from.

This is for the 2N1 invoice type.

Line Field Loop Description Type iRAPT Min/ Max CP Length iRAPT Req Des iRAPT Notes Entry/Calculation Source/Table Column/Field Data Entry Screen Data Entry Field
START 1 Form Counter N 1/3 M Number of transactions within the file. No. of A records The file creation process populates this field with the number of invoices in the file.
A 1 User ID AN 8/30 20 M User ID responsible for submitting the file to the iRAPT. iRAPT User ID Create iRAPT Billing Files screen Enter the user ID on the Create iRAPT Billing Files screen. Enter the user ID in the User ID field.
B 1 Form Type ID 2/6 5 M CI 2N1 — Commercial Invoice/Fast Pay CI2N1 proj_wawf_info wawf_invc_type_cd Select the form type on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Select the 2N1 option.
1 1 Contract Number AN 1/19 20 M See Field 2 notes on varying contract number sizes based on delivery order entry. bill_edit_invc_hdr prime_contr_id Enter the contract number on the Manage Project User Flow screen. Enter the contract number in the Prime Contract No field.
2 Delivery Order Number AN 0/19 20 O A delivery order number must be blank, 4, 13, or 17 alphanumeric characters. If the Delivery Order Number is blank or is four alphanumeric characters in length, the Contract Number reported in line 1, field 1, must be 13 alphanumeric characters. If the Delivery Order Number is 13 or 17 alphanumeric characters in length, the Contract Number reported in line 1, field 1 must be 1/19 alphanumeric characters. bill_edit_invc_hdr cust_po_id Enter the delivery order number on the Manage Project User Flow screen. Enter the delivery order number in the Purchase Order No field.
3 Issue Date DT 8/8 O CCYYMMDD Blank The file creation process does not populate this optional field at this time.
4 Task Order AN 1/30 30 N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
1A 1 Foreign Currency Code AN 3/3 3 O bill_edit_invc_hdr s_crncy_cd Enter the foreign currency code in the Other Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Enter the foreign currency code in the Billing Currency field in the Currency Info group box.
2 1 Shipment Number AN 7/8 15 M The shipment number must contain the prefix SER followed by three numeric characters. If this is a final shipment invoice, SER must be followed by one alphanumeric and then three numeric characters followed by a Z. bill_edit_invc_hdr bill_no_id The shipment number is represented as the bill number. Enter the last bill number used in the Manage Project Billing Information screen. The Calculate Standard Bills screen increments this number by one and populates the file with the incremented number. The bill number is computed during the Calculate Standard Bills screen but can be changed in the Manage Standard Bills screen.
2 Shipment Date DT 8/8 C This field is required if the Shipment Number, Field 1, is entered. Required for MOCAS. bill_edit_invc_hdr invc_dt The Shipment Date is the invoice date. The invoice date is the date on which the invoice is computed.  You can edit the invoice date in the Manage Standard Bills screen.
3 Estimated Shipment Date Indicator ID 1/1 N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
4 Final Shipment ID 1/1 1 C Identifies whether the shipment is the final shipment. Enter a capitalized Y for Yes or N for No. iRAPT defaults to N if left blank. proj_wawf_info wawf_last_ship_fl The check box indicating that this shipment is the final shipment is located on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.  Select the Final Shipment option on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.
6 1 Invoice Number AN 1/8 15 M The invoice number is converted to upper case. bill_edit_invc_hdr bill_no_id Enter the last bill number used in the Manage Project Billing Information screen. The Calculate Standard Bills screen increments this number by one and populates the file with this incremented number. The bill number is computed during the Calculate Standard Bills process and is only eight characters long for MOCAS.
2 Invoice Date DT 8/8 M CCYYMMDD bill_edit_invc_hdr invc_dt The Invoice Date is the date on which the invoice was computed.  You can edit the invoice date in the Manage Standard Bills screen.
3 Final Invoice ID 1/1 1 M Identifies whether the invoice is a final invoice. Enter a capitalized Y for Yes or N for No. This field is used only if an Invoice Number is submitted in Field 1. proj_wawf_info wawf_last_invc_fl The check box indicating that this invoice is the final invoice is located on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. The check box indicating that this invoice is the final invoice is located on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.
4 Vendor's Invoice Number AN 1/22 N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
9 1 Prime Contractor CAGE / DUNS / DUNS+4 AN 5/13 13 M proj_wawf_info wawf_send_cage_cd Enter the prime contractor CAGE code on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the prime contractor CAGE code in the CAGE Code field in the Sender Information group box.
2 Extension AN 1/6 O Must be left blank if the Prime Contractor CAGE is not entered. proj_wawf_info wawf_cage_ext_cd Enter the prime contractor CAGE extension on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the prime contractor CAGE extension in the CAGE Code extension field in the Sender Information group box.
10 1 Administration DoDAAC AN 6/6 6 M Must be a DoDAAC activity. proj_wawf_info wawf_admin_id Enter the administration DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the administration DoDAACs in the Administration field in the DoDAACs group box.
10B 1 Inspect by DoDAAC AN 6/6 6 O This field is optional for the Invoice 2n1 and Construction Invoice. proj_wawf_info wawf_inspect_id Enter the inspect by DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the inspect By DoDAAC in the Inspected By field in the DoDAACs group box.
2 Inspect by Extension AN 1/6 C If the Inspect by DoDAAC is blank, this field must be left blank. If the Inspect by DoDAAC is supplied, this field is optional. proj_wawf_info inspect_ext_cd Enter the inspect by extension on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the inspect by extension in the Inspected By extension field in the DoDAACs group box.
11 1 Ship From CAGE / DUNS / DUNS+4/ DoDAAC AN 5/13 13 O If the Ship from CAGE/DoDAAC doesn't differ from the Prime Contractor CAGE code, Line 9, this field may be blank. proj_wawf_info wawf_ship_from_id Enter the ship from CAGE/DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the ship from CAGE/DoDAAC in the Ship From field in the DoDAACs group box.
2 Ship from extension AN 1/6 N/A Not used. The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time.  The file creation process does not populate this field. The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
3 FOB AN N/A N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
12 1 Payment Office DoDAAC AN 6/6 6 M proj_wawf_info wawf_pmt_office _id Enter the payment office DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the payment office DoDAAC in the Payment Office field in the DoDAACs group box.
13 1 Service Acceptor DoDAAC AN 6/6 13 M Only a service acceptor DoDAAC is allowed, not a CAGE. proj_wawf_info wawf_ship_to_id Enter the ship to/service acceptor DoDAAC on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the ship to/service acceptor DoDAAC in the Contracting Officer/Ship To/Service Acceptor field in the DoDAACs group box.
2 Ship To Extension AN 1/6 O If the Service Acceptor DoDAAC is blank, this field must be left blank. If a Service Acceptor DoDAAC is entered, this field is optional. proj_wawf_info ship_to_ext_cd Enter the ship to/service acceptor extension on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the ship to/service acceptor extension in the Contracting Officer/Ship To/Service Acceptor extension field in the DoDAACs group box.
15 1 15 Line Item AN/ID 4 or 6 10 M This field may contain a CLIN, SLIN, or miscellaneous fee. Taxes and allowances are not allowed. Only one miscellaneous fee can be included in a document: only F460 or I260 is allowed. MOCAS Attachment Line Item On the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen, you can select among three CLIN mapping methods. If you select Default CLIN, all billed amounts are grouped into the entered CLIN. If you select Use ACRN Mapping, the mappings from the Manage ACRN Bills screen are used and the CLIN comes from PROJ_ACRN_DETL.acrn_ln_item. If you select CLIN Mapping, you must map projects to CLINs (PROJ_WAWF_CLIN.clin_id). You can also map accounts and/or PLCs to a project/CLIN line. Within these methods, there are also two different methods of mapping units. If the units are mapped by account, the units are grouped within the assigned CLIN based on the account number charged. If they are combined based on the transaction CLIN or catalog, they are grouped within the file based on the CLIN or catalog charged at transaction. You can include discounts and taxes within the CLIN; otherwise, they are excluded. Other charges entered on the Header tab of the Manage Standard Bills screen are inserted as a line item 2 and the other charge code is in the field. Billed amounts are grouped based on the CLIN linked to projects and, optionally, accounts and/or PLCs. If you select Use ACRN Mapping, the project/CLIN/ACRN mapping is completed on the Manage ACRN Bills screen (PROJ_ACRN_DETL). If you select Default CLIN, Costpoint groups the amount of the invoice into the CLIN entered in the default CLIN field. If you select CLIN Mapping, Costpoint groups the billed amounts based on the CLIN/project link (PROJ_WAWF_INFO.clin_id) and account/PLC, if mapped. Other charges are grouped by charge code, and if taxes and discounts are not included in the CLIN, they are excluded from the file.
2 15 Line Item Type ID 1/1 M 1 — CLIN/SLIN, 2 — Fee/Charge (Taxes and allowances are not allowed.) 1 or 2 MOCAS Attachment Line Item Type The file creation process populates this field according to the iRAPT Notes. All billed charges from Open Billing Detail are considered as a CLIN (1), other charges as Fee/Charge (2). If Include Discounts and Taxes in CLIN is not selected, the taxes and discounts are not included in the file. If ACRN mapping is used, discounts and taxes are always included within the CLIN.
3 15 GFE ID 1/1 N/A Use this field only if Field 1 is a CLIN/SLIN. Optional even if CLIN/SLIN per telcon with iRAPT. Blank The file creation process does not populate this optional field at this time.
16 1 15 Stock Number AN 1/32 20 C If the Line Item Type in Line Number 15, Field 2, is 1, this field is required.  If Line 15, Field 2 is not a 1, skip this line. MOCAS Attachment Stock Number The file creation process populates this field with NONE if the Line Item Type is CLIN/SLIN and more than one item is grouped in CLIN or there is no PART.nsn_id. If one item is billed and the PART.nsn_id exists, insert the nsn_id. The file creation does not populate this field for if the Line Item Type is 2, 3, or 4.
2 15 Product Service Type ID 2/2 C If the Line Item Type in Line Number 15, Field 2, is 1, this field is required. If Line 15, Field 2 is not a 1, skip this line. MOCAS Attachment Product Service Type The file creation process populates this field with MG if the Line Item Type is CLIN/SLIN, or FS if the transaction type is units and a stock number exists for the item billed. If there is more than one item billed within the CLIN, use MG. This field does not populate for Line Item Types of 2, 3, or 4.
16A 1 15 Description AN 1/75 60 C If the Line Item Type in Line Number 15, Field 2, is 1, this field is required. If Line 15, Field 2 is not a 1, skip this line. MOCAS Attachment Description The file creation process populates this field with Amount Billed for XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the CLIN entered in the  Default CLIN field, the CLIN on the Manage ACRN Bills screen, or the CLIN in the CLIN Mapping subtask of the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.  If the Line Item Type is 2, 3, or 4, this field is not populated. If this is a units billing, the description is entered in the Manage Parts, Manage Goods, or Manage Services screens and is used if only one item is grouped within the CLIN. If the mapping method is Use ACRN Mapping, the CLIN is populated as the line item in the table window of the Manage ACRN Bills screen. If you select Default CLIN, Costpoint populates the CLIN in the Default CLIN field on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen.  If you select CLIN Mapping, Costpoint populates the CLIN on the CLIN Mapping subtask where projects are linked.
16B 1 15 ACRN AN 2/2 2 C This field is optional if the Line Item Type in line 15, field 2 is 1. If Line 15, field 2 is not a 1, skip this line. proj_acrn_detl acrn_id The file creation process populates this field with the ACRN linked to the line item on the Manage ACRN Bills screen. This is used only if the Use ACRN Mapping check box is selected. Enter the ACRN in the child table window on the Manage ACRN Bills screen.
2 15 SDN AN 13/15 C The process does not populate this field. Blank Not populated.
3 15 AAA AN 6/6 O The process does not populate this field. Blank Not populated.
16G 1 15 ACRN AN 2/2 2 C Use this field to report multiple ACRNs per line item. proj_acrn_detl acrn_id The file creation process populates this field with the ACRN linked to the line item on the Manage ACRN Bills screen. This is used only if the Use ACRN Mapping check box is selected. Enter the ACRN in the child table window on the Manage ACRN Bills screen.
2 15 ACRN Price R9.2 1/15 C Use this field to report the ACRN amount for this line item. Total ACRN price must match the line item total. proj_acrn_detl acrn_cur_alloc_amt The file creation process populates this field with the computed current ACRN allocation amount linked to the line item on the Manage ACRN Bills screen. The current ACRN allocation amount is populated by the Calculate ACRN Bills process.
17 1 15 Quantity Shipped / Invoiced or Provided Information R8.2 1/8 14,4 C If the Line Item Type in Line Number 15, Field 2, is 1, this field is required. If Line 15, Field 2 is not a 1, skip this line. No decimals are allowed. MOCAS Attachment Quantity Shipped/Invoiced If Combine Units by Transaction CLIN is selected on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen, the file creation process for units billings populates this field with the number of units entered on the Manage Unit Usage screen or the Import Units Usage Files screen, posted via the Post Unit Usage screen, and calculated by the Calculate Standard Bills screen. If Map Units by Account is selected on the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen, the billed units are combined with other billed amounts and the file creation process populates this field with a 1. For non-unit billings where the Line Item Type is 1, the file creation process populates this field with a 1. For non-unit billings where the Line Item Type is other than 1, the file creation process does not populate this field. No decimals are allowed for MOCAS. If fractional units are entered, they are rounded.
2 15 Ship Advice Code ID 1/1 O Blank The file creation process does not populate this optional field at this time.
3 15 Actual Quantity N N/A N/A Not used. Blank The iRAPT process does not use this field at this time. The file creation process does not populate this field.
18 1 15 Unit of Measure Code AN 2/2 3 C If the Line Item Type in Line Number 15, Field 2, is 1, this field is required. If Line 15, Field 2 is not a 1, skip this line. MOCAS Attachment Unit of Measure Code The Unit of Measure Code is populated during file creation for a units billing with the value linked to an item on the Manage Parts, Manage Goods, or Manage Services screens. For non-units billings or multiple items linked to one CLIN, the file creation process populates this field with EA if the Line Item Type is 1. If the Line Item Type is 2, 3 or 4, the file creation process does not populate the Unit of Measure Code.
19 1 15 Unit Price R9.5 1/15 14,4 M If the Line Item Type in Line Number 15, Field 2, is 1, this is the unit price. If the Line Item Type in Line Number 15, Field 2, is 2, this is the amount of the fee.   Allows up to five positions to the right of decimal. MOCAS Attachment Unit Price If the unit mapping is Combine Units by Transaction CLIN used with ACRN or CLIN mapping, the unit price is the total amount billed or current ACRN allocation amount (may include taxes, discounts, over ceiling, retainage, withholding, withholding release, other costs, and so on) divided by the billed quantity (or 1 if there are no billed units). If the unit mapping is Map Units by Account used with ACRN or CLIN Mapping, the unit price is the total billed for the CLIN.  If the Line Item Type is 2, the unit price is the total of the other charges, discounts, or taxes. 
20 1 Issue By DoDAAC AN 6/6 6 O proj_wawf_info wawf_issue_id Enter the Issue By DoDAAC in the DoDAACs group box of the Manage Project iRAPT Information screen. Enter the Issue By DoDAAC in the Issued By field in the DoDAACs group box.
23 1 Initiator Comments AN 1/75 254 C Must be entered if there is a previously submitted final invoice against Contract Number and Delivery Order. bill_edit_invc_hdr bill_desc Enter the initiator comments on the Header tab of the Manage Standard Bills screen. Enter initiator comments in the Bill Heading field of the Manage Standard Bills screen. You must enter comments if there is a final invoice previously submitted for the contract number and delivery order.
25 1 Attachment Indicator ID 1/1 M Enter a capitalized Y for Yes or N for No. If wawf_attachment is null, insert N; otherwise, insert Y. The file creation process populates the Attachment Indicator field with a Y when there is an attachment, or an N when there is not an attachment. Enter a file attachment name or select to use the invoice ID as the attachment name.
26 1 Attachment Files ID 1/100 100 C If the Attachment in Line Number 25, Field 1, is Y, this field is required. This field displays the name of the file to be attached to the document. Include only the file name, not the path proj_wawf_info wawf_attachment The file creation uses the attachment file name that you entered or the invoice ID if that option is selected. The file creation uses the attachment file name that you entered or the invoice ID if that option is selected.
SEPARATOR OR END 1 Separator or End ID 5/11 M Use =SEPARATOR= to indicate that there are more documents in the file. Use =END= to indicate that this is the end of the file. =SEPARATOR= or =END= Default The file creation process enters Separator or End  to indicate that there is at least one additional document following or that this is the end of the last document, respectively.