Component Serial/Lot Subtask

Use the Component Serial/Lot subtask to view serial/lot information for the components issued to the Manufacturing Order (MO) selected on the main screen.

You cannot access this subtask if serial/lot tracking is not required on the Manage Part Project Data screen or the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

This column displays the manufacturing order ID of the line selected on the main screen.

MO Type

This field displays the MO type as Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.

MO Status

This field displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the part that is built in the MO selected on the main screen.


This field displays the revision level for the build part.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the serial number of the component part issued to the MO.


This field displays the lot number of the component part issued to the MO.

Serial/Lot User-Defined Fields 1 - 5

These fields display if you defined field labels on the Manage Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.

Shelf-Life Expir Date

This field displays the shelf life expiration date for the tracked part.

Orig Order Type

This field displays P if the issued tracked part was originally associated with a Purchase Order (PO) number, or M if originally associated with a MO.

Original Order

This field displays the MO or PO number against which the issued tracked part was originally received.

Original Release

This field displays the release number against which the tracked part was originally received.

Orig Order Line

This field displays the PO line number against which the tracked part was originally received.


This field displays the part number of the component issued to the MO.


This field displays the revision level of the component issued to the MO.


This field displays the description of the part/revision issued to the MO.


This field displays the quantity of the component part issued to the MO.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure of the component part issued to the MO.


This field displays the ID of the transaction that issued the component and related serial/lot to the MO.

Issue Line No

This field displays the line number within the transaction that issued the component and related serial/lot to the MO.

Transaction Date

This field displays the date on which the issue transaction took place.

Vend Warr Expir Date

The field displays the date the vendor's warranty will expire for the tracked part.


This field displays the ID of the manufacturer who created the tracked part.

Manufacturer Name

This field displays the name of the manufacturer.

Manuf Part

This field displays the manufacturer part number for the tracked part.

Mfg Rev

This field displays the manufacturer revision number for this tracked part.


This field displays the ID of the vendor who supplied the tracked part.

Vendor Name

This field displays the name of the vendor.

Vendor Part

This field displays the vendor part number for the tracked part.

Vendor Rev

This field displays the vendor revision number for the tracked part.

Manuf/Vend Serial

This field displays the manufacturer/vendor serial number for the tracked part.

Manuf/Vend Lot

This field displays the manufacturer/vendor lot number for the tracked part.


This field displays the Unique Identification (UID) code.

UID Type

This field displays the code that represents the method used to create the UID code.

UID Enterprise Identifier

This field displays the unique enterprise identifier assigned by the issuing government agency to the manufacturer, vendor, contractor (and so on...) that is responsible for creating the unique identifier.

UID Issuing Agency

This field displays the code associated with the issuing agency, which is an organization responsible for assigning a unique identifier to an enterprise.

Serial/Lot User-Defined Fields 6 - 15

These fields display if you defined field labels on the Manage Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.