Input File Layout

Use this information as a guide in creating an input file that you can upload to Costpoint using the Import Multi-Job Allocation Percentage Basis screen.

Multi-Job Allocation Percentage Basis Input File (PROJ_ALLOC_PCTBASE)

Column No Column Name Costpoint Field Name Data Type Data Length "R" (Required) / "O" (Optional) / "D" (Derived) Contents
1 ALLOC_CD Allocation Code Character 6 R
2 PROJ_ID Project Character 30 O
3 ACCT_ID Account ID Character 15 R
4 ORG_ID Organization Character 20 R
5 APPLY_RES_FL Apply Residual Flag (Y/N) Character 1 R Y, N
6 UNITS_AMT Units Decimal 14,4 R
7 DOL_LIMIT_AMT Dollar Limit Amount Decimal 14,2 R