Text Codes Subtask

Use the Text Codes subtask to view the header text codes assigned to the MO selected on the main screen.

Use it whenever you need to view the sequence, description, and where-used (routing traveler, assembly) characteristics of the text codes.


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

This column displays the manufacturing order ID of the line selected on the main screen.

MO Type

This field displays the MO type as Standard, Customer Repair, or Rework.

MO Status

This field displays the MO Status as Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In-Shop, Completed, or Closed.

Build Part

This field displays the ID of the part that is built in the MO selected on the main screen.


This field displays the revision level for the build part.

Table Window

Field Description

This column displays the sequence in which the text will be printed.

Text Source

This column displays the source of the text code as I (Part text) or P (Project text).

Text Code

This column displays the text code applicable to the MO.


This field displays the revision of the standard text code.


This column displays the description of the text code.

Pick List

If selected, this check box indicates that the text is used in MO pick lists.

Traveler Text

If selected, this check box indicates that this text prints on the routing traveler, and cleared if not. This appears selected only if MO Routing Traveler has been selected for this particular text code in the Where-Used subtask of the Manage Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Assy Sheet Text

If selected, this check box indicates that this text prints on the MO Assembly Sheet Header, and cleared if not. This appears selected if MO Assembly Sheet Header has been selected for this particular text code in the Where-Used subtask of the Manage Standard Text screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Doc Print Opt

This column displays the print option assigned to the selected text code: B (Both) to print on external and internal documents, I (Internal) to print on internal documents only, or E (External) to printed on external documents only.

Text Active

If selected, this check box indicates that the standard text code/revision combination is currently active.


Click the Text button to view the text associated with the selected text code.