Contents of the Print Archived Reports Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Archived Reports screen.

Archived Reports

This table window displays all archived reports that you can print.

Field Description
Archive File Name

This field displays the identification code for this report file.

The archive file name for a report is generated in two ways:

  • The user who generated this report specified the archive file name for this report in the Print Options dialog box.
  • Costpoint automatically derives this archive file name using a naming convention that makes use of the report application's identification code and then a sequential numbered instance of that application. For example, for the Indented Bills of Material report, Costpoint assigns 'BMRSLMLB' as the archive file name for the first instance of the report, 'BMRSLMLB_1' for the second instance of the report, 'BMRSLMLB_2' for the third instance of the report, and so on. This happens when a system setting automatically archives this report.
Archive File Description

This field displays the descriptive name for this Archive File Name. You can update this field as desired.

The description for a report is generated in two ways:

  • The user who generated this report specified the archive description for this report in the Print Options dialog box.
  • Costpoint automatically derives this archive description using a naming convention that makes use of the report application's identification code and then a sequential numbered instance of that application. For example, for the Indented Bills of Material report, Costpoint assigns 'BMRSLMLB' as the archive file name for the first instance of the report, 'BMRSLMLB_1' for the second instance of the report, 'BMRSLMLB_2' for the third instance of the report, and so on. This happens when a system setting automatically archives this report.
File Expires

Enter, or click calendar.gif to select, the date when this report will be eligible for purging. If you leave this field blank, this report file does not expire.

Costpoint automatically populates this field if:

  • The user who generated this report specified an expiration date in the Print Options dialog box or how long this report must stay archived before it is eligible for purging.
  • An expiration age (how long this report must stay archived) is specified in the report archive category to which this report belongs. You can update archive category settings on the Manage Report Archive Categories screen.

This field displays the identification code of the application that generated this report.

Application Name

This field displays the descriptive name for this Application.


This field displays the identification code for this type of report.

Report Name

This field displays the descriptive name for this Report.

Report Category

This field displays the identification code for the report category to which this report belongs. You can assign report categories using the Manage Report Categories screen.

Report Category Name

This field displays the descriptive name for this Report Category.

Archive Category

This field displays the identification code for the archive category to which this report belongs. You can assign archive report categories on the Manage Report Archive Categories screen.

Archive Source

This field displays User Archive if this report was generated because the user selected the Archive check box in the Print Options dialog box. Otherwise, this field displays System Archive, which indicates that this report was archived because of a system setting (for example, when the Archive check box on the Configure User Preferences screen is selected).

Created By

This field displays the identification code of the user who generated and archived this report.

Created Date/Time

This field displays the date and time when this report was archived.

Modified By

This field displays the identification code of the user who updated this report.

Modified Date/time

This field displays the date and time when this report was updated.

Action Menu

Click this button and select an option from the drop-down list:

  • Open Report: Select this option to view the selected report.
  • Clean Up/Start Archive: Select this option to initiate the archive process or to clean up the report archive.