Company Settings Tab

Use this tab to establish functional preferences as well as company and email system defaults for this company.

These data fields are company-specific and effective for this company only.

Company Settings

Field Description
Apply Organization Security

Select this check box to apply organization security for this company.

Note: You must specify an organization security group when linking users or user groups to companies on the Manage Users screen or the Manage User Groups screen.
Allow Reusing of Passwords

Select this check box to allow users to reuse old passwords. If this check box is later cleared, Costpoint will start to save used passwords, and users are not able to reuse any password established from then on.

Previously used passwords are not saved in the history file.

Header Color

Select a background color for this company from the drop-down list. When users access this company, the color is applied to the Global Menu.

Display System in the Header Select this check box to display the system name on the Global Menu.
Apply Org Security for Employees without User ID Select this check box to validate employees who do not have User IDs. Clear the check box to only validate employees who have a User ID.
Allow HR Org Manager/Rep/Spvsr from Other Companies

Select this check box to allow entry of Human Resources (HR) organization managers, representatives, or supervisors that do not belong to this company.

This check box is only available if this company is licensed for HR.

Environment Name Enter an environment name that will display on the Global Menu.

Email System

Costpoint uses this group box to connect to the SMTP server for routing outgoing email messages.

Field Description
SMTP Server Name

Enter the name of the email server that is responsible for sending outgoing mail.

SMTP Port Number

Enter the port number to use when sending email via SMTP protocol.

Require SSL/TLS

Select this check box if your SMTP server requires encryption.

SSL is a term commonly used when referring to both Secure Sockets Layer technology and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS). Although you may see references to SSL in the application's user interface, all Deltek applications use current TLS protocols to provide protected connections between web servers and web browsers.

SMTP Server User ID

Enter a system account user ID to use for SMTP server authentication.


Enter the password for the SMTP Server User ID. 

Send all emails from SMTP Server User ID Select this check box if you want to send all emails from the SMTP Server User ID.
E-mail Redirect Enter an email address where all emails will be redirected.

Company Defaults

Use this group box to set the company defaults. You can override these settings using the Configure User Preferences screen and/or the Manage Users screen.

Field Description
Print Cover Page

Select this check box to always print a cover page for reports.

Report Table Purge (Days)

Enter the number of days after which Costpoint must purge the report table data.

Costpoint User Accounts

Use this group box to enable and set the defaults for the user creation functionality on the Manage Employee Information screen.

Field Description
Auto-create User Accounts

Select this check box to enable automatic user account creation functionality on the Manage Employee Information screen.

Authentication Method

From the drop-down list, select the default authentication method when creating user accounts automatically. The options are:

  • Database
  • Single Sign-on
  • Active Directory
  • Single Sign-on or Active Directory
Generate Random Password

Select this check box to enable the application to generate a random and temporary password based on your system password policy (minimum length, require number, mixed case, and so on). The password is then captured and communicated to the end user in an email.

This option is available only if the Database option or Single Sign-on or Database option is selected from the Authentication Method drop-down list.

Manage User Groups in AD

Select this check box to manage user groups in the Active Directory. This check box is enabled only when you select any of the following options from the Authentication Method drop-down list:

  • Single Sign-on
  • Active Directory
  • Single Sign-on or Active Directory
  • Single Sign-on or Database
  • Windows Domain and Active Directory
  • Windows Domain and Database
Note: If you clear this check box or change the authentication method and users are assigned to user groups linked to the Active Directory, the users will remain assigned to those user groups. When you remove users from the Active Directory, they will also be removed from the Costpoint user group linked to the Active Directory.
Preferred Notification Method

Select one or more notification methods for Costpoint to use for informing users of application updates. The options are:

  • Email
  • IM
  • Device Notification
  • SMS Message

Email is the default notification method. Costpoint must be configured for Skype for Business for the IM option to display.

The Device Notification method sends Costpoint alerts to a laptop or Android device using the default notification method on the device.

SAML Single Sign-on

Select this check box to let users with the Active Directory or Single Sign-on or Active Directory authentication methods to log on to Costpoint in Single Sign-on mode through the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) tokens. This method is allowed if the user is previously authenticated with a third-party SAML Identity Provider, such as Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) or Microsoft Azure.

This check box is only enabled when the Authentication Method selected is Active Directory or Single Sign-on or Active Directory.

FIDO Single Sign-On

Select this check box to let users log in using FIDO/biometric Device, such as FIDO USB key or biometric (a fingerprint, face recognition, or personal PIN). You can allow such users to register a new FIDO Device by executing the Generate new FIDO Device self-registration link action.

2FA Settings

Use this group box to establish two-factor authentication (2FA) settings for the company. If 2FA is enabled, Costpoint will ask users to enter a one-time passcode after entering their user name and password on the Costpoint login screen.

This group box is disabled if the selected authentication method is Kerberos Single Sign-on, SAML Single Sign-on, or Certificate Single Sign-on.

Field Description

Select this option if you do not want to enforce 2FA for this user.

Mobile Application

Select this option if you want to enforce 2FA and allow users to generate a one-time passcode through a mobile device.

Additional steps are required for users to fully enable this authentication method. After installing a 2FA application on a mobile device, a user must go to the Configure User Preferences screen to display the 2FA activation barcode, scan it, and complete 2FA enrollment.


Select this option if you want to enforce 2FA for the company and have Costpoint generate a one-time passcode that will be emailed to users. Users can also receive the passcode by calling the Help Desk.


Select this option if you want to use FIDO Device as a 2FA for the company.