Manage Proposals

Use the Manage Proposals screen to enter proposal information after establishing item, customer, catalog, and organization information.

You must create a proposal ID before you can assign a Proposal Bills of Material (PBOM).

This screen has four tabs:

  • Details — Use this tab to define the proposal details.
  • Request for Quote Defaults — Use this tab to enter more information when you create a request for proposal (RFQ).
  • Costing Parameters — Use this tab to identify Proposal Item Cost Rules and Burden Rates by Cost Element.
  • Notes — Use this tab to enter free-form notes and comments about this proposal.

Proposals define the items to cost for a Request for Proposal (RFP), and allow you to summarize estimated costs within a proposal. When you set up a proposal ID on this screen, the proposal generates costs throughout Materials Estimating.

Each proposal can have up to 999 alphanumeric revisions, each with different end items, PBOMs, and quantity breakpoints. Therefore, you can have multiple proposal rows with the same proposal ID, as long as different revisions are used, and Costpoint treats each revision as a separate proposal. Each proposal/revision combination can have an unlimited number of end items (parts, goods, services, and provisional parts) and PBOMs, with up to five quantity breakpoints per end item. Load end items onto this screen directly from a price catalog through the Autoload Catalog subtask or load project contract line item number (CLIN) list through the Autoload CLIN subtask.

You can clone proposals, but you must recopy PBOM and component cost information by using the Copy Proposal Bills of Material screen. There, you can specify a manufacturing, engineering, or proposal BOM to copy into the proposal BOM for the proposal end item. After you copy this information, you can further manipulate the PBOM for the end item on this screen. Enter burden rates by cost element in the Burden Rates by Cost Element group box in the Costing Parameters tab.


You can save a proposal with no end items (that is, proposal line rows), but no costing can occur until you enter and save at least one valid end item for the proposal record.