Contents of the Manage Billing Withholding Codes Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Billing Withholding Codes screen.


Field Description
Withholding Code

Enter the billing withholding code.


Enter the billing withholding code description.

Withholding Details

Field Description
Withholding Percentage

Enter the billing withholding percentage. This value must be between 0 and 100.

Maximum Total Percentage

Enter the maximum percentage of the billing withholding. This value must be between 0 and 100. This percentage is used with any retainage already specified for the project to ensure that the total withholding amount for that bill (that is, the sum of the retainage and withholding amounts) does not exceed the amount derived from this percentage. If this derived total withholding exceeds the allowed maximum withholding, the withholding is reduced by the amount of the excess, as long as that does not make the withholding negative. If the final withholding is negative, the withholding is set to 0. Also, if the retainage alone exceeds the maximum withholding, the retainage is not reduced. If there is no limit to the total percentage to be withheld, enter 100.

Withholding Reason

Enter the billing withholding reason. This text automatically prints at the bottom of the footer on standard bills that have withhholding.