Contents of the Opportunities Quick View Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Opportunities Quick View screen.


The information on this section comes from the header section and General tab of the Manage Opportunities application.

Fields with no existing data are hidden on the screen. The number of fields that display may vary depending on the opportunity record you are viewing.

Field Description
Opportunity ID This field displays the opportunity ID.
Record Status This field displays the opportunity record status, which can be Active or Inactive.
Record Type

This field displays the opportunity record type, which can be either of the following:

  • Manual: This indicates that the record was manually added in Manage Opportunities.
  • GovWin IQ: This indicates that the record was added through the GovWin IQ integration.
Name This field displays the opportunity name.
Number This field displays the opportunity's identifying number from its source. If the opportunity is imported from GovWin IQ, this field defaults to the GovWin IQ opportunity number.
Short Description This field displays the short description for the opportunity.


The information in this group box comes from the Status tab of Manage Opportunities.

Field Description
Estimated Start Date (Contract) This field displays the estimated start date of the contract linked to the opportunity.
Estimated Completion Date This field displays the estimated completion date of the contract linked to the opportunity.
Total Value This field displays the total value of the opportunity. It is the estimated revenue amount you expect to earn if the opportunity results in an awarded contract.
Our Value This field displays the total contract value that you expect your company to earn if you are awarded the contract associated with the opportunity.
Date Opened This field displays the date on which you identified the opportunity and began pursuing the job.
Date Closed This field displays the date on which you closed the opportunity.
Weighted Revenue This field displays the weighted revenue for the opportunity. Costpoint determines this value as follows: Our Value x Win Probability.
Win Probability This field displays the code that represents the percentage of bidding on or winning the opportunity.
Stage This field displays the opportunity stage.
Type This field displays the opportunity type.
Closed Reason This field displays the reason for closing the opportunity.

Key Dates

The information in this group box comes from the RFP Info tab of Manage Opportunities.

Field Description
RFP Date 1-12 These fields display the request for proposal (RFP) dates for the opportunity. Field names vary depending on the names that were set up on the Configure Opportunity Settings screen.


The information in this group box comes from the Prospect group box on the General tab of Manage Opportunities.

Field Description
Prime Agency This field displays the primary agency associated with the opportunity.
Primary Customer This field displays the primary customer associated with the opportunity.
Primary Contact This field displays the contact for the primary customer.

GovWin IQ Info

The information in this group box comes from the GovWin IQ subtask of Manage Opportunities.

Field Description
Program Name This field displays the opportunity name in GovWin IQ.
GovWin IQ ID If the record type is GovWin IQ, this field displays the unique identifier for the opportunity from GovWin IQ. If the record type is Manual, this displays the GovWin IQ ID manually entered on the Manage Opportunities screen.
Department This field displays the governmental department to which the opportunity belongs.
Agency This field displays the governmental agency to which the opportunity belongs.
Estimated Value This field displays the potential value of the opportunity, in thousands, as transferred from GovWin IQ.
Solicitation Number This field displays the RFP number for the opportunity as transferred from GovWin IQ.
Last GovWin IQ Synch This field displays the date that this record was last updated by the GovWin IQ integration process in Costpoint.
GovWin IQ Current Status This field displays the opportunity's status in GovWin IQ (for example, Pre-RFP or Awarded). The status identifies which phase the procurement is in during the acquisition cycle.


Subtask Description
Employee Team Click this link to open the Employee Team subtask and view employees associated with the opportunity.
Opp Primes/Competitors Click this link to open the Opp Primes/Competitors subtask and view prime contractors and/or competitors associated with the opportunity.
Activities Click this link to open the Activities subtask and view activities related to the opportunity.
User-Defined Info Click this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask and view values for user-defined fields for the opportunity.