CP/TE Diagnostics Toolkit

Use this toolkit to identify and resolve data discrepancies between Costpoint and Time & Expense in co-deployed installations prior to upgrading from versions 7.1.x or 8.0 to version 8.1.


Field Description
Type Click the drop-down list to select the diagnostic you want to run.
Note: This list populates only after you click Initialize Worktables.

The Type drop-down list may display up to 19 separate diagnostics that detected data issues. For each diagnostic you select, the screen displays a description of its purpose and directions for resolving the discrepancies. Refer to the table below for the types of diagnostics that might display.

Diagnostic Type Purpose
Error - Not in Costpoint - UDT in use This identifies all records that exists in Time & Expense but do not exist in Costpoint.
Error - Project required flag does not match – UDT in use This identifies all Accounts where the Project Required setting in Time & Expense does not match the same setting in Costpoint.
Error - Whether for time and/or expense does not match - UDT in use This identifies all Projects where the time and/or expense value in Time & Expense does not match the same value in Costpoint.
Warning - Abbreviation does not match This identifies Project and Org records where the abbreviation does not match between Costpoint and Time & Expense.
Warning - Account type does not match – UDT not in use This identifies Accounts where the Time Collection Account Type value in Costpoint does not match Account Type in Time & Expense.
Warning - Account type does not match - UDT in use This identifies accounts where the Time Collection Account Type value in Costpoint does not match the same setting in Time & Expense.
Warning - Active flag does not match This identifies all records where the Active setting in Time & Expense does not match the same setting in Costpoint.
Warning - Allow Charging flag does not match This identifies all records where the Allow Charging setting in Time & Expense does not match the same setting in Costpoint.
Warning - Calculation does not match This identifies all Pay Type records where the calculation in Time & Expense does not match the calculation in Costpoint.
Warning - Cost Only flag does not match This identifies all Pay Type records where the Cost Only setting in Time & Expense does not match the same setting in Costpoint.
Warning - Costpoint company does not match This identifies all Project and MO records where the Costpoint company in Time & Expense does not match the company in Costpoint.
Warning - Description does not match This identifies all records where the description in Time & Expense does not match the description in Costpoint.
Warning - Factor does not match This identifies all Pay Type records where the factor in Time & Expense does not match the factor in Costpoint.
Warning - Not in Costpoint but in Charge Tree This identifies all records that exist in the Time & Expense Charge Tree but do not exist in Costpoint.
Warning - Overtime flag does not match This identifies all Pay Type records where the overtime setting in Time & Expense does not match the overtime setting in Costpoint.
Warning - Project required flag does not match – UDT not in use This identifies all account records where the Project Required setting in Time & Expense does not match the same setting in Costpoint.
Whether for time and/or expense does not match- UDT not in use This identifies all project records where the time and/or expense value in Time & Expense does not match the same value in Costpoint. It also identifies Orgs where Export to Time Collection is not selected.
Show Results Click this button to populate the Results table.
Record Counts Click this button to display the number of records that were found for each diagnostic.
Initialize Worktables Click this option to run the diagnostics and to populate the Type drop-down list results. Up to 19 different diagnostics may run, but only those where discrepancies are detected display.
Results After you click Show Results, this table displays the results of the diagnostic you selected from the Type drop-down list. Depending on the diagnostic chosen, button options display beneath the table that enable you to resolve the discrepancy. A few may require manual updates to either Costpoint or Time & Expense. Screen instructions provide additional guidance on steps required to resolve the discrepancies.
Depending on the type of diagnositic you selected, one of the following options may display below the Results table:
  • Set CP Value to TE: Select this option to change the value in Costpoint to match the value in Time & Expense.
  • Set TE Value to CP Value: This option only displays in version 8.0.x. If you have already upgraded to version 8.1, this option is no longer available. In version 8.0.x, select this option to change the value in Time & Expense to the value in Costpoint.
  • Remove from Charge Tree: This option displays only for the diagnostic that identifies records that exists in the Time & Expense charge tree for UDTs 01-11 but do not exist in Costpoint. Select this option to remove the charges from the T&E charge tree. The charges, if needed, must be manually added to the appropriate application in Costpoint
Note: If no options display, corrections must be made manually in the appropriate area of Time & Expense or Costpoint.