Contents of the Print Manufacturing Order Documentation Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Manufacturing Order Documentation screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges


Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the planner to manufacturing orders to include by the range of assigned planners. Valid values are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
  • One: Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting planner to select manufacturing orders to include in the report.


Enter, or click to select, the ending planner to select manufacturing orders to include in the report.

Manufacturing Order

Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range of manufacturing orders to include in the forms. Valid values are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
  • One: Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting MO to include in the report.


Enter, or click to select, the ending MO to include in the report.


Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range of projects of manufacturing orders to include by the range of MO build projects. Valid values are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
  • One: Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting project of the manufacturing orders to include in the report.


Enter, or click to select, the ending project of the manufacturing orders to include in the report.

Work Center

Use this group box to specify which individual component requirements and routing operations to print, based on the assigned work center on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range of work center component requirements and routing operations to include in the report. Valid values are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
  • One: Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting work center to select MO requirements to include in the report.


Enter, or click to select, the ending work center to select MO requirements to include in the report.

Operation Sequence

Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the range of operation sequence to include in the report. Valid values are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option. This is the default for selecting by MO.
  • One: Select this option to include only one record. Enter that value in the From field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. Enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. Enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. Enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click  to select, the starting operation sequence to include in the report. This is required for specified range option.


Enter, or click  to select, the ending operation sequence to include in the report. This is required for specified range option.


Field Description

This field displays only the One option. You can only define one warehouse for each report.


Enter, or click to select, the warehouse to select manufacturing orders to include in the report.

MO Planned Shop Date Cutoff

Field Description

This field displays only the From Beginning option. Use the Start field to define a cutoff date.


Enter, or click to select, a date to prevent inclusion of manufacturing orders with a planned shop date after this due date.

Sort By

The sort options below define how component requirements and routing operations are sorted within an MO.

Field Description
1st Sort

This field displays Manufacturing Order. The primary sort option for all forms is by manufacturing order.

2nd Sort
Pick List/Component Labels

From the drop-down list, select the sort option for pick list or component labels. Valid values are:

  • Work Center
  • Component Part
  • Line Number
  • Find Number
  • Component Location
  • Operation Sequence
  • Allocated Locations

The default for this field is taken from the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen, but can be modified here.

If you select Component Location, the primary component's primary location is taken from the Preferred Location field on the Manage Part Project Data screen (if the Warehouse field on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen matches the Preferred Warehouse field on the Manage Part Project Data screen).

If such a match does not exist, the primary location is then taken from the Manage Parts screen (if the Warehouse field on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen matches the Warehouse Location field on the Manage Parts screen). If no warehouse match is found on the Manage Part Project Data or Manage Parts screens, or if a warehouse match is found but the value is blank (there may be a warehouse match on the Manage Part Project Data screen but the Preferred Location field might be blank, because it is not a required field), the system selects the first on-hand type of inventory location (alphabetically sorted) for the part ion the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen (as long as it has a quantity greater than zero). If the first location has a quantity of zero, the system continues to the next location.

Assembly Sheet

From the drop-down list, select the sort option for the assembly sheet. Valid values are:

  • Work Center
  • Component Part
  • Line Number
  • Find Number

The default for this field is taken from the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen.

Routing Traveler

Sorting option for the routing traveler is always by Operation Sequence No.


Select MO Documents

Field Description
Selection Option

From the drop-down list, select the manufacturing orders to include in the report. Valid values are:

  • Print MO Selections (Excluding Component Labels): Select this option to print the documents specified on each of the selected MOs. Define the documents for each manufacturing order on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.
  • Select Documents To Print: Select this option to choose the documents to print for the selected MOs regardless of what documents have been defined for each MO ion the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen. Once you select this option, you can choose the following documents to print by selecting the applicable check box:
  • Print Component Labels: Select this option to print component labels for the selected MOs. This uses the same selection and sort as in the Pick List option, except for MO header notes and text options, which are not printed. Component labels may be used for items that require labeling on material containers, for example. Component labels are printed separately from reports because they often require different form layouts and printer paper stock.
Pick List

Select this check box to print pick lists for the selected MOs. The pick list generally displays all open inventory component part requirements by MO, as well as the inventory locations for the parts. Use the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen to specify additional information to include on the report.

When the Print Floor Stock Parts option is selected on the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen, MO requirement lines for inventory floor stock parts are included whether or not the MO requirement line has an inventory abbreviation associated with it. MO requirement lines that are non-inventory floor stock parts are also included if the Print Ref and Non-Inv Components option is selected on the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen. If this option is not selected, MO requirement lines that are inventory floor stock parts are included only if they have inventory abbreviations associated with them. Non-inventory floor stock parts are not printed.

Assembly Sheet

Select this check box to print assembly sheets for the selected MOs. The assembly sheet can include all component requirements for the manufacturing order, regardless of whether they are inventory parts, floor stock parts, or not. Manufacturing BOM reference designator information can also be printed for each component requirement. Use the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen to specify what components to include, the default sort for component requirements, and whether MO header text and notes should be printed on the form.

Routing Traveler

Select this check box to print routing travelers for the selected MOs. The routing traveler includes the MO routing operation steps required to produce the MO build part. Use the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen to specify what other information (such as MO notes, routing notes, or text) should print included on the form.

Print Pick List Serial/Lot, Print Assembly Sheet Serial/Lot

By default, these check boxes are selected to indicate that the locations and quantities of pick list and assembly parts, and their applicable serial and/or lot numbers, print on the pick list and assembly sheet. Clear one or both of these check boxes to prevent serial/lot information from being printed. If you did not select the Enable Inventory Serial/Lot Tracking check box on the Configure Serial/Lot Settings screen, both check boxes are disabled.

Include Closed/Completed MOs

Select this check box to include MOs with a status of Closed/Completed.

Print Pick List Routing Work Center

Select this check box to print work centers on the pick list.

Include Firm Planned MOs

Select this check box to include MOs with a status of Firm Planned.

Print Pick List Routing Operation Sequence

Select this check box to print the MO routing operation sequence on the pick list.

Include APS Command Routing Lines

Some routing operation steps are defined purely for loading additional instructions to a separate Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) system. The operation ID of these routing lines begins with a caret (^). Select this check box to include routing lines with operation IDs that begin with a caret symbol on the routing traveler.

Update MO Status To Released

Select this check box to set the MO status to Released for all selected Firm Planned MOs. This check box is disabled if you did not select the Include Firmed Planned MOs check box.

Print Traveler Serial/Lot

Select this check box to include serial numbers and/or lot numbers on the header of the routing traveler. If you did not select the Enable Inventory Serial/Lot Tracking check box on the Configure Serial/Lot Settings screen, this check box is disabled.

Print Separate Travelers

Select this check box to print a separate routing traveler document for each unique serial/lot combination assigned to the manufacturing order. This check box is disabled if you did not select the Print Traveler Serial/Lot check box.

Print DPAS Rating Select this check box to print the DPAS rating on the pick list, assembly sheet, and/or routing traveler report.

When you reprint a report, the DPAS rating could change if it was changed in the Manage Project User Flow (PJMBASIC) screen.

Update MO Status to In-Shop

Select this check box to set the MO status to In-Shop for all selected Firm Planned or Released MOs for which routing travelers are being printed.

Print Allocated Locations Only

Select this check box to print allocated locations only in the pick list.

Print Previously Printed Documents

Select this check box to print documents that have already been printed.