Can the asset numbering be automated by segment yet still allow manual numbering?

Costpoint's asset number structure consists of a two-part key: an alphanumeric Asset No field, whose size you can designate as 3-10 characters, and an Item No field, which is fixed at five numeric characters with leading zeroes automatically inserted by the system.

The asset number, together with the item number, supplies the unique identifier for each Asset Master record.

There should be no need to encrypt any other identifying data, such as asset account or lease number, into the asset identifier. You can use other system fields (and/or user-defined fields) within the Asset Master record to record this type of data.

You can enable automatic numbering for the Asset No field; the Item No field always defaults as 00001. You can manually overwrite either system assignment before saving the Asset Master record. Because a segmented asset number is not necessary (other, more appropriate fields are available), you cannot auto number by asset number segment.