Selected Asset Master Fields Subtask

When you want to include asset records in the export process that have had changes made to one or more fields during the time period selected in the Select Time Periods group box, you can select the Assets with Changes to Selected Asset Master Fields check box found on the Asset Selection tab.

When this check box is selected, the Selected Asset Master Fields subtask is available. This subtask will let you select which Asset Master field(s) you want to be considered when selecting assets to include in the export process.

Asset Master Fields

This table window displays the available Asset Master fields that you can choose from.

Field Description
Field name

Click (or highlight) the field name(s) in the Asset Master Fields table.

Note: You can select multiple rows in the Asset Master Fields table when you press CTRL+Click while selecting each Field Name row.

Click this button to add highlighted field(s) in the Asset Master Fields table to the Selected Asset Master Fields table.

Selected Asset Master Fields

Field Description
Selected Field name

This column displays the selected fields from the Asset Master Fields table.


Click this button to close the Selected Asset Master Fields subtask.