Import Tab

Use this tab to import approval workflow data from an XML definition file.


Before importing a file, you must first upload the XML definition file to Costpoint using the File Upload option from the Process menu. On the File Upload Manager dialog box, you can specify just the file name of the file you will be uploading and leave all the other fields blank.

Field Description
File Name Enter, or click to select, the name of the file you want to import.
Load Click this button to load the file you want to import. This action checks the structural integrity of the workflow model definition file and loads the basic information in the Preview block.
Workflow Name After checking the information in the Preview block and you are certain that this is the workflow model you want to import, enter the workflow name in this field.
New Revision If a workflow with the same name exists and you select this check box, the new workflow will be imported with the same name but with a new revision number. If you do not select this check box and the workflow name already exists, Costpoint will not allow you to import the file.
Import Click this button to import the workflow model. After importing, you can use Query on the Approval Workflow Models main screen to find/check the imported workflow model.


Field Description
Start Application When you click Load, this field displays the ID of the application designated as the start screen in the workflow model you will be importing. The application name displays to the right of this field.
Start Result Set When you click Load, this field displays the ID of the result set designated as the start result set in the workflow model you will be importing. The result set name displays to the right of this field.
Flow Structure box When you click Load, this box displays a graphical representation of the steps included in the workflow model you will be importing.