Exchange Rates1 Subtask

Use this Exchange Rates subtask to review AR transactions that occur in a currency other than your company's functional currency.


Field Description
Invoice Number

This displays the invoice number from the main screen.

Customer Account

This display the customer account number from the main screen.

Customer Name

This display the customer name from the main screen.

Transaction Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for this receipt. This is the currency you used to bill your customer. The description of the currency displays in the field on the right.

Rate Group

This field displays the rate group description used for this transaction. The description of the rate group displays in the field on the right.

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

Field Description
Rate Date

This field displays the date used to calculate the exchange rate for this invoice.

If your currency exchange rates are tracked by date, the exchange rate used for this transaction-to-functional is the date or range of dates in which this invoice date falls. Costpoint first looks to exchange rates by date, then to exchange rates by period.

If your currency exchange rates are tracked by period, the transaction rate used for this transaction-to-functional exchange is the period rates (period end rates for the last day of the period, and period average rates for all other dates) in which this rate date falls.


This field mimics the Pay to Func rate when non-Euro currencies are used. When you use a Euro currency, this field is the product of the Pay to Euro and Euro to Func fields.

Trans to Func

This field displays the rate for the transaction-to-functional currency.


This field displays the exchange rate.

Freeze Rate

Select this check box to hold the last rate saved in these fields.


Click this button to close the Exchange Rates subtask.