Merge an Off-Line Timesheet

When you are ready to merge your off-line timesheet into your online timesheet, upload the spreadsheet to Time and Expense with ESS, which performs a number of validations. After the merge, any timesheet lines from the off-line timesheet appear in the online timesheet.

To merge an off-line timesheet, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Time menu, select Timesheet and navigate to your current timesheet.
  2. Click Off-Line Timesheet.
  3. Select Merge Off-Line Timesheet and click OK.
  4. Browse to the location of your off-line timesheet, select the file, and click Upload.

    Before uploading the file, Time and Expense with ESS performs validations. One of these actions might occur:

    • Online timesheet re-displays — If the merged timesheet lines pass all of the validations, the online timesheet re-displays, and includes the newly merged timesheet lines.

    • Ambiguous Charge Lookup dialog box displaysThis happens if multiple charges exist for the entered charge. Use the lookup to select the charge that you want to use, then click Repair to validate the selected charge. If you click Cancel, the merge process ends and none of the timesheet lines are merged.

    • Merge Errors dialog box displays — This dialog box displays all UDTs (codes) and their possible errors. Use the Lookup button to find a different UDT, then click Repair to validate it. Or click Skip to skip the timesheet line that contains the error and merge the timesheet without that line. Or click Cancel > to end the merge process without merging any timesheet lines.

  5. When any validation issues are resolved, click Save > to save the online timesheet > .

    If you click Save and the timesheet has an outstanding off-line timesheet, you see the message: An Off-Line Timesheet exists that has not been merged. Those off-line timesheet changes will no longer be valid after Save. Do you wish to continue? Click Yes to discard the off-line timesheet lines and continue saving the timesheet. Click No to stop the save process.