Contents of the Manage Contract Management Employee Info Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Contract Management Employee Info screen.


Use this group box to view basic employee information.

Field Description
Employee This field displays the employee ID.
Name This field displays the employee's name.
Last Name This field displays the employee's last name.
First Name This field displays the employee's first name.
Middle Name This field displays the employee's middle name.
Suffix This field displays the employee name's suffix, if any.
Detail Job Title This field displays the employee's job title.
Manager This field displays the name of the employee's manager.
Hire Date This field displays the date the employee was hired.
Business Unit/Team This field displays the business unit or team the employee belongs to.
Home Org This field displays the home organization used for the employee.

This field displays the employee status. Possible values are:

  • Active
  • Family Medical Leave
  • Inactive
  • Inactive Accruing Leave
Work Email This field displays the employee's work email address.
Work Phone This field displays the employee's work phone number.


Subtask Description
Education Click this link to open the Education subtask and view employee education information.
Certifications Click this link to open the Certifications subtask and view certifications obtained by the employee.
Skills Click this link to open the Skills subtask and view employee skills.
Training Click this link to open the Training subtask and view employee training.
Security Click this link to open the Security subtask and view security details for the employee.
Opportunities Click this link to open the Opportunities subtask and view opportunities associated with the employee.
Contracts Click this link to open the Contracts subtask and view contracts associated with the employee.