Contents the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Engineering Change Notice screen.

Auto-Assign ECN IDs

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the last ECN ID. You can enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters in this optional field, but the last four characters must be numeric so that the system can automatically increment the number.

ECN Options

ECN Class Part Change Requirement

Field Description
Class I

From the drop-down list, select whether a modification can be made to a part, a revision, either, or none for a Class I ECN. Valid options are:

  • P - Part Change
  • R - Rev Change
  • E - Either
  • N - Not Allowed
Class I.5

From the drop-down list, select whether a modification can be made to a part, a revision, either, or none for a Class 1.5 ECN. Valid options are:

  • P - Part Change
  • R - Rev Change
  • E - Either
  • N - Not Allowed
Class II

From the drop-down list, select whether a modification can be made to a part, a revision, either, or none for a Class II ECN. Valid options are:

  • P - Part Change
  • R - Rev Change
  • E - Either
  • N - Not Allowed

EC Workflow Options

Field Description
Workflow Method

From the drop-down list, select how you want ECNs to be integrated with Costpoint Workflow. Valid options are:

  • N -No Workflow Notification
  • S - Use Standard Workflow
  • C - Use Custom Workflow
  • B - Use Both
Custom Workflow

Enter, or to select, the name of the workflow the ECN process should initiate when an ECN is implemented.

Approval Process Assignment

Field Description
No Approval

Select this option to turn off the approval process for ECNs.


Select this option to have the system automatically assign approval processes based on ECN Organization.

ECN Type

Select this option to have the system automatically assign approval processes based on ECN Type.

ECN Class

Select this option to have the system automatically assign approval processes based on ECN Class.


Select this option to have all ECNs go through the same approval process.


Select this option if you want to manually select approval processes when the ECN is created.

Approval Process

If you selected the Manual or Global options, enter, or click to select, the ECN approval process code. You must enter a valid approval process from the Manage Engineering Change Approval Processes screen.

Other Options

Field Description
Provide Warning for Parts and Documents with Open ECNs

Select this check box for the system to provide a warning message every time a part or document with an open ECN is accessed in other modules in Costpoint.

Customer Approval Method

From the drop-down list, select how customer approval information should be recorded for ECNs. Valid options are:

  • M - Manual
  • P - Approval Proc

You can enter customer approval manually on the Manage Engineering Change Notices screen. The P - Approval Proc option assumes the customer approval is handled as part of the electronic approval process.

ECN Corporate Settings

Use this group box to establish all corporate ECN settings. The check boxes in this group box will be disabled if your user ID does not have maintenance rights for the company ID when you first log into Costpoint.

Field Description
Allow Multiple Open ECNs for the Same Part

Select this check box to allow more than one open ECN to reference the same part number.

Allow Change to Implemented ECNs

Select this check box to allow users to maintain ECN information after it has been implemented in the Maintain Approved ECNs screen.

ECN Implementation Copy Options

Field Description
Copy Part User-Defined Fields

Select this check box if you want to copy user-defined field values when performing a Copy Part Data function.

Copy BOM Configuration

Select this check box if you want to copy all configuration ID components when performing a Copy BOM function.

ECN Required Change

Field Description
Release Mfg BOMs

Select this check box if you want manufacturing bills of material to be released only through the ECN process.

Modify Released Mfg BOMs

Select this check box if you want released manufacturing bills of material to be modified only through the ECN process.

Release Eng BOMs

Select this check box if you want engineering bills of material to be released only through the ECN process.

Modify Released Eng BOMs

Select this check box if you want released engineering bills of material to be modified only through the ECN process.

Release Routings

Select this check box if you want routings to be released only through the ECN process.

Modify Released Routings

Select this check box if you want released routings to be modified only through the ECN process.