Process Organization Changes

Changing the owning organization is a major event in the life of a project.

You start changing the organization after all processing is completed for a given period and there are no unposted transactions. Ideally, you begin the organization change immediately after you finish processing for the period before the effective subperiod. This ensures that the journal entry transferring the balances takes place in the effective subperiod and includes the balances up to and including this subperiod.

The process begins when the organization has been changed on the Manage Project User Flow and a row added to the Org History subtask. Some processes depend on this home organization, which has been configured for a change but has not been fully implemented. For this reason, certain processes, such as Compute Revenue, Post Revenue, and Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries, cannot be executed for the project if there are any unprocessed rows on the Org History subtask. Unprocessed means that either the Journal Entry Processed column or the A/R History Processed column is populated with an N (No). The following message displays if the subperiod being processed is equal to or later than the effective subperiod: "There is an unprocessed row in the Organization History table for project XXXXX. You must first process that row." The message is not displayed if the processing subperiod is before the effective subperiod.

After the Process Organization Changes process has been completed, both columns display Y (Yes), and the revenue and COGS processes can be executed.

You must run the Process Organization Changes utility twice. The first run generates a journal entry, transferring the appropriate balances from the old organization to the new. After reviewing and posting this journal entry, run the Process Organization Changes utility again to update A/R History and change the organization for any unpaid invoices. See the following sections for more information.