Screen Fields

Use these fields to enter, view, or update basic information about UDT01. 

Basic Information Section

If your version of Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint, most UDT01 field values are maintained directly within Costpoint. Editable fields are noted in the table below.

Field Description

Enter a 50-character, uppercase alphanumeric UDT01 code. Each code must be unique.

Note: The number of characters you enter cannot exceed the size that you set up in the Configure General Settings screen for UDT01.

This field is editable only for stand-alone installations of Time & Expense


Enter up to 120 characters for a UDT01 description. You should make descriptions as short as possible and properly capitalize them because they are used in drop-downs, Lookups, and as column headings for reports and inquiries.

This field is editable only for stand-alone installations of Time & Expense


Enter a unique abbreviation for your account.  It can be up to 20 characters. If, in the Configure General Settings screen, you have configured the system to use abbreviations, this field is optional. If you do not enter an abbreviation here and you try to save a record, you will get a warning that says: "Account abbreviations are turned on and you have not supplied an abbreviation."


Field Description

Use the drop-down to select a UDT01 type. The available UDT01 types depend on what you set up in the UDT01 Types screen in the General Setup menu. The default type will be the UDT01 Type Code selected in the Defaults group box of the General Options tab of the Configure General Settings screen.

This field is editable only for stand-alone installations of Time & Expense.


Select this check box if the UDT01 is active. The default value for this check box is checked.

This field is editable only for stand-alone installations of Time & Expense.
Allow Charging

Select this check box if the UDT01 should allow charging. The default value for this check box is checked.

This field is editable only for stand-alone installations of Time & Expense.
Interim Charge
Note: This field only displays in stand-alone installations of Time & Expense.

If an employee enters a timesheet row for a UDT01 code that doesn't exist and if they have the necessary rights, they can create an interim charge for that code. When they do, a UDT01 code is created with the Interim Charge check box checked.

This interim status can be cleared in either of two ways:

  • You can display the UDT01 code in the UDT01 screen and clear the Interim Charge check box.
  • If the UDT01 code comes into Time & Expense through the import process, the Interim Charge check box is cleared automatically.

    When the interim status is cleared, all timesheets containing the charge are updated so the charge is no longer marked as an interim charge.

Line Level Approve
Note: This field is editable in co-deployed or stand-alone installations.

If your system is configured for the line level approval feature, select this check box if this UDT01 needs to be approved at the line level.

Note: Please see the Line Level Approval section in the Deltek Time Collection Getting Started Guide for more information.

If both Time & Expense are not configured for line level approval (Line Level Approval in the Miscellaneous tab is set to Disabled), this check box will be disabled. If Line Level Approval is turned on, the default value will be unchecked.

Note: To enable the line level approval feature, select either Required or Optional for Line Level Approval in the Miscellaneous tab of the Configure General Settings screen or the Configure Expense Settings screen.


Note: The date options are editable in both co-deployed and stand-alone systems.
Field Description
Date Edit

Select the type of date edit you wish to use with starting and ending dates for this UDT01.  The options are Hard Edit, Soft Edit, and No Edit.  The default value will be the Date Edit you selected in the General Options tab of the Configure General Settings screen.

Override Start/End Dates This field displays in co-deployed installations only.

If this box is clear, the values that display in Start Date or End Date populate directly from the Fiscal Year/Period Information section of the Costpoint > Accounting > General Ledger > Accounts > Manage Accounts screen.

To override the default dates from Costpoint, select this check box, if you have rights to the application. After you select the check box, Start Date and End Date are enabled for editing. You can either select new dates or clear the fields to leave them empty.

If you overwrite the dates and later clear this check box, the dates from the Manage Accounts screen in Costpoint are automatically restored.

Start Date

Click to the right of the field to select the start date of the UDT01. Employees will not be able to charge time before the start date. This field is always editable in stand-alone Time & Expense installations

In co-deployed systems, this field is not editable, unless Override Start/End Dates is selected. If that check box is clear, the date value populates from the FY Starting and PD Starting values in the Manage Accounts screen in Costpoint.

End Date

Click  to the right of the field to select the end date of the UDT01. Employees will not be able to charge time after the end date. This field is always editable in stand-alone Time & Expense installations

In co-deployed systems, this field is not editable, unless Override Start/End Dates is selected. If that check box is clear, the date value populates from the FY Ending and PD Ending values in the Manage Accounts screen in Costpoint.

Inactive Date

Click  to the right of the field to select the date the UDT01 became inactive. This field will be enabled only if you have not selected the Active check box.


Field Description
UDT07 Required

This link is unavailable if Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint.

Select this check box if a UDT07 is required for the UDT01. This option will not be available if you did not select the Use check box for UDT07 in the UDT Options tab of the Configure General Settings screen or if you did not link UDT01s and UDT07s in the UDT Options tab. The UDT07 Links check box will be available if you select this check box. The default value for this check box is unchecked.

UDT02 Links

If Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint, this link is selected (checked) by default if Link UDT01/UDT02 (link 12) on the Time & Expense > Configuration > General Configuration > UDT Options tab is configured as either Direct or Wildcard.

In a stand-alone installation of Time & Expense, select this check box to link UDT02s to this UDT01. The UDT02 Links tab will be available only if you select this check box.  This check box will not be available if you have not selected the Use check box for UDT02 in the UDT Options tab of the Configure General Settings screen or if you did not link UDT01s and UDT02s in the UDT Options tab. If you select this check box and link one or more direct UDT02s to the UDT01, and then deselect the check box, the direct UDT02 links will be deleted. The default value for this check box is unchecked.

UDT07 Links

This link is unavailable if Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint

Select this check box to link UDT07s to this UDT01. The UDT07 Links tab will be available only if you select this check box. This check box will not be available if you have not selected the Use check box for UDT07 in the UDT Options tab of the Configure General Settings screen, if you did not link UDT01s with UDT07s in the UDT Options tab, or if the UDT07 Required check box is not selected.  If you select this check box and link one or more direct UDT07s to the UDT01, and then deselect the check box, the direct UDT07 links will be deleted. The default value for this check box is unchecked.

UDT09 Links

If Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint, this link is selected (checked) by default if Link UDT01/UDT09 (link 19) on the Time & Expense > Configuration > General Configuration > UDT Options tab is configured as either Direct or Wildcard.

In stand-alone installations of Time & Expense, select this check box to link UDT09s to this UDT01. The UDT09 Links tab will be available only if you select this check box.  This check box will not be available if you have not selected the Use check box for UDT09 in the UDT Options tab of the Configure General Settings screen or if you did not link UDT01s with UDT09s in the UDT Options tab. If you select this check box and link one or more direct UDT09s to the UDT01, and then deselect the check box, the direct UDT09 links will be deleted. The default value for this check box is unchecked.

User Defined

In co-deployed installations, the values that display in these fields are configured from the Integration Settings tab in Time & Expense > Configuration > General Configuration.

In stand-alone installations, you define the dynamic labels for these six fields in the Miscellaneous tab of the Configure General Settings screen.  If you do not define labels for these fields, they will be disabled here with a label of " N/A." The following labels represent the data found in the “sample” database.

Note: These fields are editable in co-deployed or stand-alone systems.
Field Description
Code 1

If this field is being used, enter up to a 20-character code.

Code 2

If this field is being used, enter up to a 20-character code.

Code 3

If this field is being used, enter up to a 20-character code.

Date 1

If this field is being used, click to the right of the field to enter a date.

Date 2

If this field is being used, click  to the right of the field to enter a date.

Date 3

If this field is being used, click  to the right of the field to enter a date.