Error Messages

This section contains the error messages you may encounter when importing regulation clauses using the Import FAR/Supplemental Regulation Files subtask of the Manage Contracts screen.

FAR Clause/Provision

The following error messages may display on the error report when you import an input file for the FAR Clause/Provision regulation type.

Field Name Column Name Condition Error Message
Contract ID CNTR_ID The following field is too long: Contract ID.
FAR Number FAR_ID The following field is too long: FAR Number.
Title FAR_TITLE The following field is too long: Title.
FAR Number and Title FAR_ID and FAR_TITLE Both are blank. The following field is required: FAR Number or Title.
FAR Type FAR_TYPE FAR Type is not C, P, or U. The following field does not contain a valid value of 'C' or 'P' or 'U': FAR Type.
Effective Date EFFECT_DT The following field does not contain a valid date: Effective Date.
Applicable to Contract APPLIC_FL Applicable to Contract is not Y or N. The following field does not contain a valid value of 'Y' or 'N': Applicable to Contract.
Page No PAGE_NO The following field does not contain a valid number: Page No.
The following field is too long: Page No.
Page No is negative. The following field cannot be negative: Page No.
Page Reference Number PAGE_REF_ID The following field is too long: Page Reference No.
Comments COMMENTS The following field is too long: Comments.
Risk Level RISK_LVL_FL Risk Level is not H, M, or L. The following field does not contain a valid value of 'H', 'M', or 'L': Risk Level.
Subcontract Flow-down SUBCNTR_FLOW_FL Subcontract Flow-down is not O, Y, or N. The following field does not contain a valid value of 'O', 'Y', or 'N': Subcontract Flow-down.
Notes FAR_NOTES The following field is too long: Notes.

Supplemental Regulation

The following error messages may display on the error report when you import an input file for the Supplemental Regulation regulation type.

Field Name Column Name Condition Error Message
Contract ID CNTR_ID The following field is too long: Contract ID.
Agency AGENCY_CD The following field does not contain a valid value: Agency.
The following field is too long: Agency.
Clause Number DFAR_ID Clause Number is blank. The following field is required: Clause Number.
The following field is too long: Clause Number.
Title DFAR_TITLE The following field is too long: Title.
DFAR Description CNTR_DFAR_DESC The following field is too long: Description from Contract.
Effective Date EFFECT_DT The following field does not contain a valid date: Effective Date.
Applicable to Contract APPLIC_FL Applicable to Contract is not Y or N. The following field does not contain a valid value of 'Y' or 'N': Applicable to Contract.
Page No PAGE_NO The following field does not contain a valid number: Page No.
The following field is too long: Page No.
Page No is negative. The following field cannot be negative: Page No.
Page Reference Number PAGE_REF_ID The following field does not contain a valid value: Page Reference No.
The following field is too long: Page Reference No.
Comments COMMENTS The following field is too long: Comments.
Risk Level RISK_LVL_FL Risk Level is not H, M, or L. The following field does not contain a valid value of 'H', 'M', or 'L': Risk Level.
Subcontract Flow-down SUBCNTR_FLOW_FL Subcontract Flow-down is not O, Y, or N. The following field does not contain a valid value of 'O', 'Y', or 'N': Subcontract Flow-down.
Notes DFAR_NOTES The following field is too long: Notes.