Print/Void Checks

Use this screen to pay a group of vouchers and generate a run of checks using either a laser or line printer, or to void checks previously entered in Costpoint.

You can print checks, test checks, non-negotiable copies, and EFT advice slips; you can also void checks and EFT advice slips.

Costpoint pays vouchers for which status is set to Pay on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen or Select Vouchers for Payment screen.

In addition, Costpoint pays only vouchers that are approved, either automatically or by a valid approver on the Approve Checks screen. See Configure Accounts Payable Settings for a discussion of approval settings.

You can use this screen to generate a check for just one voucher or for many. An alternative to printing a single check is to issue the check manually and record it on the Manage Manual Checks screen.

Note: When you successfully print checks or EFT Advices, Costpoint displays a message that asks you to run the Update Tables action to record checks/EFT advices into the Check History and unposted Cash Disbursements. This is an additional step that allows you to review your printed checks before the application finalizes (records) the check /EFT printing transaction. If you fail to run the Update Tables action, Costpoint will not be able to record the checks/advices, so the results will be as if no checks/advices were printed, no check/advice numbers were assigned, and no vouchers were paid.

If you have selected the check box on the Actions tab in Print Options to Execute Update Tables from Preprinted Laser Checks/Advices after reports are printed, then the Update Tables action will run automatically after printing checks/advices if all validations have passed. The message mentioned above to run the Update Tables action will still display , as the print and update actions are independent. It is confirmation that the print action executed successfully. You do not need to run the Update Tables action separately at this point if you have used the Print Options Action to have it run automatically.

See Void Checks for the step-by-step procedure for voiding checks manually. See Unusable Checks/Voided Checks for related information.

Only one person at a time can use this screen; this prevents two users from trying to print or void the same check number(s) at the same time.

For more information about printing and voiding Accounts Payable checks and EFT advice slips, see Printing A/P Checks.

Warning: If you do not post cash disbursements between each check/void transaction for a specific voucher, Costpoint may incorrectly update the voucher status in the Accounts Payable tables. If this happens, Costpoint may prevent you from selecting the voucher for payment, or it may allow you to select the voucher for payment after you have paid it. In addition, Costpoint may not post all of the components of the transaction to the General Ledger.

Screen Contents

This screen has five sections:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Options group box to specify whether you are printing or voiding checks.
  • Use the Selection Ranges group box to specify selection criteria.
  • Use the Generate group box to provide information about the checks or about the void process.
  • Use the fields on the tabs in the More Options group box to specify signature, company logo, and check stub information.
Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.