Amex Record 1 Car Rental Mapping

The Amex KR1025 Record 1 Car Rental Mapping file layout identifies detail information for fields 614 through 819 as they relate to car rental expenses. The file contains the field name, picture information (which describes how long the field is and what type of field it is), the location of the field in the file, the length of each field, and any notes regarding the field.

Field Picture Location Length Notes
Car Rental Date (CCYYMMDD format) X(08) 614-621 8 Date on which the car was first rented.
Car Rental Location X(30) 622-651 30 Location (city/state) where the car was rented.
Car Return Date (CCYYMMDD format) X(08) 652-659 8 Date on which the car was returned.
Car Return Location X(30) 660-689 30 Location (city/state) where the car was returned.
Car Renter Name X(35) 690-724 35 Name of the individual renting the car.
Car Rental Days Decimal (3,0) 725-727 3 Number of days for which the car was rented.
Car Rental Agreement Number X(13) 728-740 13 Number identifying the car rental agreement.
Filler X(79) 741-819 79 Spaces