Select Vouchers For Payment

Use this screen to select groups of vouchers for payment.

You can use this screen to specify vouchers by accounts payable account/organization, cash account/organization, bank ID, range of due dates, range of voucher numbers, and/or range of pay vendors. You can also clear the payment status of groups of vouchers and put them back on hold, or put them on or off defer status.

To update the status of an individual voucher, you can use this screen or make changes on a voucher-by-voucher basis on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen. Costpoint calculates the values of the fields used to print the check, such as Amount to Pay and Discount Taken. If you need to adjust the amounts, you can change them on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen.

Use this screen to select vouchers for payment immediately before printing the checks. Because discounts are date sensitive, the amounts calculated in this process could be incorrect if the checks are cut on a different date. If the vouchers are selected for payment but the check run is delayed, you should clear the vouchers. To do so, set the Process option in the Options group box to Deselect, then re-select the vouchers when you print the checks.

Screen Contents

This screen consists of the following blocks:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify the selection ranges of the vouchers that you want to include in the selection process.
  • Use the Options block to place additional filters on your voucher selection.
Note: You cannot access records that are printing while this screen is open.
Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.