Manage Transfer Locations

After you map the account/organization combinations, use this screen to set up transfer locations. You must set up all locations that send transfers, as well as the host company. If the location is active for transfer purposes, the Active column should reflect this.

After you initialize the location table, you must assign a home location to each company that is sending and receiving transfers. Costpoint stores the home location in Project Setup and uses the home location to identify entries associated with each company. Entries created and transferred are marked by this home location. 

  • Because the home location identifies a particular company, you should use a home location only once among companies sending and receiving transfers.
  • For each database involved in consolidation transfers, you should initialize the location table in an identical way.

This is the same location table accessed by the Inter-Company Work Orders transfer process. If you perform both types of transfers, you must maintain consistent locations.

You cannot assign consolidation mappings to inactive locations. You also cannot transfer consolidation tables to inactive locations.

Use this screen after you complete the Manage Consolidation Acct/Org Mappings screen and before you complete the Link Consolidation Locations screen.