Review Offline Updates

You must log in to Costpoint on the same device you used in Offline mode. When you log in to Costpoint online, Costpoint will prompt you to review your offline updates. Costpoint highlights the fields and screens where the changes occurred. Select a highlighted field to review and compare the current value in the database with the new value you added offline. You can change back to the current value, keep the update you made offline, or override these values with a new value. After you review your updates, you can save or discard your changes.

To review the offline updates:

  1. Log in to Costpoint.
  2. Open a Costpoint application that has updates from Offline mode.
  3. In the Offline Data Available window, choose an option:
    Discard Updates Costpoint discards the update and opens the application.
    Review Updates Costpoint displays the records that were updated in offline mode. Changes are highlighted in fields and tabs. You can change or undo these updates before you merge data into the database.
    Review Later Costpoint will prompt you to review or discard updates the next time you open the application.
  4. Click Save.