Total Budget Tab

The fields in this non-editable table display amounts derived from data entered in the subtasks.


Click the Recalculate button to refresh this screen whenever you modify any subtask.

Field Description

This column displays figures that represent labor hours and number of units. Data used in the calculation of this column comes from the Units and Labor subtasks.

Budget Amount

This column displays figures that are calculated from the Fee, Units, Labor, and Direct subtasks. These can be cost budget amounts or revenue (T&M) budget amounts, depending on the labor and unit budget selections made in the Info tab.

Approved COs

This column displays figures that are calculated from Change Orders (COs). Change orders included are those approved COs that are saved for this project on the Manage Change Orders screen. After you have approved and saved a new change order, Costpoint inserts the change order into the project budget.


This column displays figures that are calculated either based on the burden template entered in the Info tab or from a user-defined burden rate entered on the Direct or Labor subtasks.


Figures in this column for the Direct, Units, and Labor subtasks are calculated based on the multiplier entered in the Info tab or edited in a row of the Direct, Units, or Labor subtasks. Also, figures in this column for the fee row are calculated based on the fee percentage or fee amount entered on the Fee subtask.

Total Budget

Figures in this column are the sum of Budget Amt, Approved COs, Indirect, and Profit figures for each subtask and for the total project budget.


Figures in this row are calculated from the Direct subtask.


Figures in this row are calculated from the Labor subtask.


Figures in this row are calculated from the Units subtask.


Figures in this row are calculated from the Fee subtask.


Figures in this row are the sum of the Direct, Labor, Units, and Fee subtasks.

Undistributed Amount

This figure is the contract amount entered on the Manage Modifications screen minus the total budget amount. Depending on your budget design, this can represent a management reserve, contingency amount, amount not yet budgeted, or the project's profit.


Click this button to include all modifications made in all of the subtasks in this screen. This process updates the Total Project Budget table with the budget's most current data.

Note: Click the Recalculate button to update only the selected project budget (baseline or workplan). To update all budgets for one project or a range of projects, use the Update Project Budgets screen.