Contents of the Manage Supplier Actions Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Supplier Actions screen.

Field Description

This field displays the purchase order associated with the action.

PO Line

This field displays the PO line associated with the action.


This field displays the item associated with the action PO line.

Order Qty

This field displays the order quantity of the item on the action PO line.

Open Qty

This field displays the open quantity of the item on the action PO line that is not yet fulfilled.

Vendor Contact Email Address

This field displays the email address of the contact on the supplier side to whom alerts will be sent whenever a buyer updates the Action History and saves the changes.


This field displays the release number associated with the PO action.

Change Order

This field displays the change order associated with the PO action. This value will be saved as part of the Action History in order to be able to segregate actions taken under a particular change order.

Delivery Line

This field displays the delivery schedule line number associated with the action PO/Rlse/line.


This field displays the item revision associated with the action PO line.

Order Amt

This field displays the order amount of the item on the action PO line.

Open Amt

This field displays the open amount of the item on the action PO line that is not yet fulfilled.

PO Status This field displays the status of the PO.
Line Status

This field displays the status of the line associated with the PO/Rlse/line.


This field displays the description of the item.

Due Date

This field displays the due date of the item on the action PO line.

Desired Date

This field displays the desired date of the item on the action PO line.

PO Type

This field displays the PO type.


This field displays the buyer associated with the PO action.


This field displays the currency associated with the amount on the action PO line.


This field displays the unit of measure associated with the quantity on the action PO line or delivery schedule line.

Last Action

This group box displays the last actions taken on the PO line

Field Description
Action Message

This field displays the most recent action taken on the PO line by the buyer or supplier.

Proposed Order Qty

This field displays the most recent quantity change proposed by the buyer or supplier.

Proposed Order Amt

This field displays the most recent amount proposed by the buyer or supplier.

Proposed Due Date

This field displays the most recent due date proposed by the buyer or supplier.

New Action

Use this section to manage the new actions taken on the PO line by the supplier.

Field Description
Action Message

Select an action that you want to take from the drop-down list

  • Accepted by Supplier: Select this option to indicate that the PO line order quantity/amount and due date are acceptable. You can also automatically update selected rows to this action by using the Load New Action. Select the rows that you want to update by pressing Ctrl and clicking on the rows you want to update. Put the mouse pointer to the header until it changes to a four-sided arrow cursor. Right click on the header to open the menu option and select Load New Action = Accepted by Supplier. The New Action column for the selected rows will display the new action as Accepted by Supplier.
  • Change Request by Supplier: Select this option to indicate that there is a proposed change to the PO line quantity/amount or due dates.
  • Cancel Request by Supplier: Select this option to indicate that the supplier has requested a PO line order cancellation.
  • Rejected by Supplier: Select this option to indicate that the supplier has rejected a PO line order cancellation request made by the buyer.
Proposed Order Qty

Enter the new supplier-proposed quantity for this PO line or delivery line.

Proposed Order Amt

Enter the new supplier-proposed amount for this PO line.

Proposed Due Date

Enter, or click to select, the new supplier-proposed due date for this PO line or delivery line.


Enter any action notes related to the action taken in relation to the PO line. The notes you enter do not have to be associated with a new action.

Action History

This group box displays the history of any action change, along with communication notes. Costpoint displays all rows associated with the particular PO, release and PO line/delivery line, regardless of change order number.

Field Description

This field displays the action taken on the PO line or delivery schedule line by the buyer or supplier via the supplier portal screens.

Proposed Order Qty

This field displays the proposed order quantity for the PO line or delivery schedule line entered by the supplier or buyer via the supplier portal screens.

Proposed Amt

This field displays the proposed amount

Proposed Due Date

This field displays the proposed due date for the PO line or delivery schedule line entered by the supplier or buyer via the supplier portal screens.

Shipped Qty

This field displays the quantity of the item on the shipment.

Shipment Number

This field displays the shipping ID associated with the shipment made against the PO.

Number of Containers

This field displays the number of containers in the shipment.

Order Qty

This field displays the order quantity of the item on the action PO line.

Order Amt

This field displays the order amount of the item on the action PO line.

Due Date

This field displays the due date of the item on the action PO line.

Ship Date

This field displays the shipment date.


This field displays the company that is transporting the shipment.

Tracking Number

This field displays the carrier's tracking number linked to the shipment.

Modified Date/Time

This field displays the date and time when the action and/or portal notes were last updated by the buyer or supplier.

Modified By

This field displays the user ID of the person who made the action changes or added portal notes via the supplier portal screens.

PO Change Order

This field displays the change order number of the PO at the time the action information was saved.


This field displays the notes that were added by the supplier or buyer via the supplier portal screens. The notes you enter do not have to be associated with an action.